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Promulgated at the end of 2024, the so-called “anti-aiRBNB” law generates new rules for the rental of tourist furnishings from this year. Update with Baptiste Bochart, lawyer at the specialist in the rental income declaration.
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– The law The Meur now allows municipalities to delimit, on their territory, geographic areas in which a certain quota of furnished tourism cannot be exceeded.
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The law Le Méner, named after the deputy together for the Republic Annaïg Le Meur, co-author of this text with her socialist colleague Inaki Echaniz, has made a shattering arrival in the world of the short -term rental At the end of 2024, letting many rental companies wonder about the future of their activity, questions reinforced by the fact that the provisions of the law will not have, the vast majority, vocation to S ‘ apply throughout the territory. Overview of what you will have to beware in 2025 if you rent a furnished tourist.
Will the town be able to prohibit me from renting?
The Law The Meur now allows municipalities to delimit, on their territory, geographic areas in which a certain Tourist furniture quota cannot be exceeded. It is therefore more in the case of a rental project not having started that it will be necessary to be cautious, so as not to bet on an area in which to obtain a rental authorization over the short term will be very complicated. And also be careful, for investors, to the possible delimitation by the municipality of an area in which new constructions can only be used as a main residence.
The good that I rent is in co -ownership: what are the risks?
This is one of the great contributions of the La Mécier law: some condominiums will now be able to more easily prohibit the rental of tourist furnishings, by a vote only requiring two thirds of the votes within the condominium. Difficult for the moment to assess the fallout from such a measure, but seasonal rental companies will certainly have to monitor this point in 2025, and redouble their efforts to dialogue and pedagogy towards other co -owners if a substantial part of them seems to wish to vote for such a change.
Will I have to change my procedure to declare my property?
Most of the rental companies had to go through the stage of the declaration of their property in the town hall, which differs according to the situations. To simplify this system, and allow municipalities to ensure better follow -up, a National Téléservice Declaration will be set up by May 20, 2026. Once created, the rental companies will have to go through this service to obtain a recording number by each rented property.
I praise an energy colander, should I undertake work?
The La Méner law law provides, as of January 1, 2034, to align the energy performance requirements for tourist furnishings located in mainland France with those applicable to the furnished furnished furnished on the long term. On this date, long -term furnished furnished accommodation will have to display a DPE or superior DPE note, it will therefore be the same for tourist furnishings. Meanwhile, tourist furnishings escape the gradual prohibition on rental of goods with a low DPE note (G in 2025, F in 2028, then e in 2034). Work will be necessary So for some rental companies, but the latter have several years to make them, not to mention any legislative changes in the meantime.
Be careful however for rental companies who intend to start a seasonal rental activity in a municipality which applies the regulations on the change of use because, in this case, and since January 1, 2025, this authorization will only be issued if the accommodation displays a DPE E or higher note.
I praise my main residence, am I concerned by law Le Meur?
In addition to a future change in terms of declaration, two elements are to be retained from the law for those who rent their main residence. First, they will not be affected by a possible ban on the rental of tourist furnishings passed by the condominium. Second, the duration during which they have the possibility of renting their entire main residence could be reduced, by decision of the mayor of the town, at 90 days against the current 120as is already the case in Paris since the beginning of 2025.
What about my taxation?
From this point of view, it is all seasonal rental companies who fall under the micro-BIC regime that will be affected by law, the Meur, which provides both a lowering of the rate of reduction and the revenue ceiling of the regime regime Micro-BIC. Tourist furnished furniture therefore switch to 30% reduction and 15,000 euros in ceiling (compared to 50% and € 77,700 before) and tourist furnishings classified at 50% reduction and € 77,700 in ceiling (compared to 71% and € 188,700 before). Either at least 40% additional taxation on income from their activity.
However, there is a means for rental companies to escape this change, since these new figures will apply to income received in 2025: lift the option for the real regime in 2025, which will allow 2025 income to benefit from this regime fiscal during their taxation in 2026. The deadline for lifting of option is located each year around the end of May, It will therefore be necessary to ask the question by then.
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