By now 1 person indebted out of 2 encountered every year by the foundations has the gamble as its main cause of debt. If we consider that only in 2023, around the azzard are shot 135 billion euros and the forecasts tell us that it will exceed 160 billion in 2024. There are 1 million and 200 thousand people who suffer from azzard.
For this the National anti -usury consultation “San Giovanni Paolo II” It expresses dissent and concern regarding the line undertaken by the government on the hemorrharred sector: almost canceled distanziometer, sensitive places reduced to two, limited reduction in game rooms and bets. “With the draft reform on physical gambling is persevering,” the president of the Consulta launches the alarm Luciano Gualzetti“On the line of the widespread diffusion of the azard in the country, prevaricating regions and municipalities whose regulatory measures and trade union regulations are aimed at reducing the impact of distorting effects on the economy and health of citizens on the territories. As for the online game, the reform of physical game is also structured in such a way that gambling enters all Italian families, especially than the most disadvantaged ones, poorer, more fragile and therefore subject to glimpse a way into the bet exit from one’s condition of discomfort ».
According to the Consulta, the proposal for reform through the introduction of the distinction between certified and non -certified gaming points, and reducing sensitive points only to secondary schools and Serd, DThe facts liberalizes the settlement of the playing points, the slot rooms will be seen next to churches and speakers.
“He will send in smoke,” explains Gualzetti, “the work done by many regions and municipalities who, in application of the regional laws in force, have closed and/or relocating exercises with gambling. In addition, it is clearly contrasting with almost all the judgments of the administrative courts, which have actually recognized the ownership of the regions to legislate and the correlation between the increase in pathologies and the presence of playing points on the territories. Finally, introducing differentiated closing bands for certified and non-certified exercises: certified in the time slot 5-8.30 and 13-15; Do not certify 5-9 and 13-16, the time limits provided for by the trade union orders will also skip. The effects will be that it will continue to play throughout the night and will be around the Constitutional Court in sentence 220/2014, which attributes to the orders of the Mayor the possibility of limiting the opening hours of the game rooms».
For this reason, the National Anti -usury Consultation joins the appeal of the Regions, the Municipalities and Associations that work on the territories daily, listening to the despair of the people who ended up in the inhuman trap of the azard, to withdraw this proposal for reforming physical game, as It is not respectful of the dignity and health of citizens. “It is necessary to see it again together with all the legislation in force on the azzard, on the directors of an effective reorganization that knows how to build legislation»Explains the Consulta that indicates some fundamental points to review the legislation so that, he writes, it is” transparent on the effects of the effects, the risks it produces and on the social and health sustainability of the negative effects it produces on people and – directly or indirectly – on the public finance; fair regarding the discipline of the concession regime; such as not to generate disparity of treatment and consequent unjust advantages in this area; Attentive to the weak who takes charge of limiting the negative effects both in advance and in terms of taking charge and care; subsidiary, who knows how to recognize and activate the responsibilities of the different levels of territorial government (municipalities and regions) and social subjects ».
The goal, explains the Consulta, must be to “mark a point of discontinuity with the past is therefore urgent and necessary from a regulatory point of view, which is accompanied by a new socio-economic agreement in which institutions, companies And the associations take the hazard for what it really is: a detriment to the health of citizens, the tax authorities and the economy ».