For twenty -three years, the Turin International Book Fair has brought the authors to schools from January to May with the “Adopt a writer” project, supported by the Consulta of the Foundations of Banking origin of Piedmont and Liguria, in collaboration with the Foundation with the South In this edition there are 40 authors and authors who will meet students and students from 40 schools of 8 Italian regions, from North to South of the Peninsula, from elementary to university, and also in various prisons.
The XXIII edition will involve 1,006 students and students from the schools of Piedmont, Liguria, Tuscany, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sicily. Each adoption provides three events in class for each author and each author adopted and the final fourth on Monday 19 May at the XXXVII edition of the Turin International Book Fair. The authors and the authors are left with the freedom to conceive the path within the classes, Without any particular bond, if not that of starting from books and reading, to offer opportunities for comparison and reflection not only on narrative and writing, but also on current affairs and the themes of contemporaneity. Thanks to this specificity of the project, the class appointments favor a profound and continuous exchange between authors and students, create shares of experiences, interests and emotions and become occasions when the book is the bearer of dialogue, comparison, discovery and understanding of the world and of themselves.
The writer for children Fabrizio Altieri
The authors and authors adopted
Will be adopted: Daria Bignardi, Writer and presenter, author of each prison is an island (Mondadori), in which he tells the prison system through personal experience; Francesca Giannoneauthor of the bestseller the portaltere (north publisher), the best -selling Italian omanzo of 2023, translated into 30 countries; the writer Marco Balzano, the Campiello prize with the latest arrival (Sellerio), now in the bookstore with the historical and civil novel Child (Einaudi); Nadeesha uyangodaborn in Colombo (Sri Lanka) and in Italy from the age of six, author of bodies that matter (66thand2nd), on the theme of the relationship between body and sporting practice; Lucia Annibaliauthor of the future awaits me. I chose to be reborn (Feltrinelli), the story of his story victim of his partner’s violence, 11 years later, with today’s gaze; Beatrice Salvioni, Author of the debut La Malnata (Einaudi), translated all over the world and soon television series, and the recent success Malacarne (Einaudi); @Barbasophia (Matteo Saudino), professor, YouTuber of over 36 million views and writer, author of Star Wars and philosophy (Tea/Vallardi), in which the great themes of philosophical thought are addressed through a character of the saga; Andrea Valentewriter and illustrator of books for girls and boys, Andersen Prize in 2011 as a complete author, creator of the character of the black sheep, author of Ops! 20 unexpected events that have changed the evolution and history (editorial science) with Telmo Pievani; Maicol & Mirco (pseudonym of Michael Rocchetti), cartoonist and designer, pencil of the ironic online cartoons The scarabocchi of Maicol & Mirco, author of fairy tales for psychotherapists (Bao publishing), a fun guide to get out of the moral impasse of life; Alice Basso writer, editor and translator, in the bookstore with her first children’s book, the Difendieroi brothers (Garzanti), on the great classics for young people; Matteo Bussola writer and radio conductor, author of the bestseller the snow at the bottom of the sea (Einaudi), on adolescent fragility and the love of parents and mothers struggling with children’s illness; the writer Raffaella Romagnaauthor of adjusting the universe (Mondadori), novel of pain, rebirth and memory, finalist award witch 2024; Maddalena Vaglio Tantauthor of Rim and the Liberated words (Rizzoli), winner of the Andersen 2024 (+8) prize and the witch award girls and boys 2024 (8+); Francesco Pacificowriter and translator, author of Podcast as Pacific Archive on Italian cultural characters, author of Io and Clarissa Dallaway. New sentimental education for children (Marsilio); Laura Buffoni, Author of a day I will tell you everything (Harpercollins), the story of a girl of a good family transported to a malfamated neighborhood; Carlo Greppi, Historical and writer, author of essays on the history of the twentieth century, in the bookstore with the historical novel for children the pirates of the mountains (Rizzoli); Camilla Mancini, Daughter of the former blue coach Roberto Mancini, a debutant author with six butterfly (Mondadori boys) on the theme of mental health; The journalist Angelo Carotenuto, who in his articles deals with football, books, music and cinema in particular, author of the novel Viva il Lupo (Sellerio); Lorenzo Gasparrini, Antisexistic philosopher and activist, author of not I am sexist, but … sexism in contemporary language (Tlon); Simona Lo Iacono writer and magistrate at the Court of Catania, author of Virdimura (Guanda), history of the first medical woman in Sicily of the ‘300; Marianna Balducci, Andersen Prize illustrator 0-6 years in 2021, author of a too short story (EDT Giralangolo), imaginary dialogue with a small dissatisfied reader; Bruno Zoccaillustrator and collaborator of the New York Times, author of and if I were someone else? (Lupoguido), book to tickle the imagination and explore all possible worlds; Paola Barbato writer and screenwriter of comics, including Dylan Dog, author of the horror thriller for children from eleven years old on the horror game (the steam boat), out of five boys want to end a famous online game; Susanna Mattiangeli, Writer and screenwriter of comics for childhood and adolescence, author of La Constitution in words (Lapis Edizioni), story, told to children, of how the Italian Constitution was written; Federico Vergari, Journalist, writer and cultural consultant in the sports and comic sector, author of illustrated Atlas of unusual sports (Lab DFG), dedicated to unusual, rare, strange disciplines; Paola Zannoner Writer loved by the public of teenagers, author of the book illustrated seven grandmothers for Bianca (Emme Edizioni); Alice Milani, Author of several comic book volumes and the Biography for children Sofia Kovalevskaja – life and revolutions of a brilliant mathematics (Coconino Press), dedicated to a pioneer of women’s rights; Fabrizio Altieri, Book writer for children and teenagers, author of murder in the recipe (Pelledoca); Daniele Aristarco, Author of stories and popular essays addressed for children, author of how to be a wind (Mondadori); Laura Pezzino journalist and writer, author of the day he changed everything (the steam boat); Stefano Piri, Writer and journalist, author of Italy-French, the last happy night (66thand2nd); Morena Pedriali Errani, Circus artist, activist for the Romana minorities, author of before closing his eyes (Giulio Perrone Editore); Sergio Badinocartoonist, screenwriter of Mickey Mouse comics, author of a thousand red poppies (Piemme); Daniela Caruccias an actress and dramaturga of theater for childhood and adolescence, author of Null (Sinnos); Antonio Ferrara, Andersen Prize (+15) in 2013, writer and illustrator, author of Solo as a dog (Einaudi boys), set in a juvenile prison; Francesca Torre editor for Panini Comics attentive to the themes of gender equality in the comics, author of the graphic novel The green age (publisher Il Castoro); Marco Marmeggi, Writer and teacher, author of the novel for children The island of Medusa (Giunti) on friendship and solidarity, written thanks to the support of the Sanlorenzo Foundation as a project aimed at raising awareness of the value and challenges of the Italian minor islands; Sonia Maria Luce Uventini painter, illustrator and historical art, with the books Natura is …, nature knows almost everything, prayer to poetry, not doubting dreams, Nina’s treasure, not being afraid, all the beauty that is there (Carthusia); Paola Zanghìillustrator, author of Emmeline Pankhurst (Beccogiallo); Sarah Pellizzari Rabolini teacher and journalist, author of the novel illustrated by the sister of Heart (CoccoleBooks).
The Biblioetca of the Ferrante Aporti Criminal Institute of Turin
The numbers of the edition 2025
The 2025 edition involves 40 Italian schools: 9 primary schools (elementary schools), 11 first grade secondary schools (middle schools); 9 secondary schools (high schools); 1 high school in the hospital (i.e. the hospital section of the Gobetti Marchesini Casale Arduino Institute at the Regina Margherita Infanti Hospital). This year they are 8 The classes active at the imprisonment houses and district houses (in the cities of Turin, Ivrea, Alessandria, Saluzzo, Grosseto, Secondigliano, Castrovillari) and 2 classes at a minor criminal institute (Ferrante Aporti Criminal Criminal Institute of Turin and the Juvenile Criminal Institute of Potenza). For the second time he participated in a class of unaccompanied foreign minors and recently arrived students in Italy who still do not speak the Italian language or little speak it (at the CPIA 3 Tullio De Mauro, Turin).
This year there will be 11 authors and authors who will reside for several days in a city, to meet students and students daily: Sergio Badino in Quiliano (Savona), Marco Marmeggi in Casella (Genoa), Paola Zannoner in Marene (Cuneo), Bruno Zocca in Verrua Savoia (Turin), Federico Vergari in Corneliano d’Alba (Cuneo), Fabrizio Altieri in San Benigno Canavese (Turin), Francesco Pacifico in Turin, Matteo Saudino in Castrovillari (Cosenza), Sonia Maria Luce Uventini in Calimera ( Lecce), Daniele Aristarco in Ustica (Palermo), thanks also to the support of the Sanlorenzo Foundation, Paola Barbato in Bagheria (Palermo).
Thanks to the project, Over the years, 545 adoptions have been completed for a total of 15,278 students and students, From primary school to universities to prison institutions, involving 380 among the most important authors and authors of Italian literature of the last forty years.