It creates very prejudicial inflammation for cardiovascular operation.
Fish are excellent sources of protein, minerals such as iodine, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins and good fats. Consuming it is thus good for arteries, memory, concentration, mood, muscles, skin … However, they can accumulate toxic products harmful to health.
The health authorities recommend for the general population to consume two portions of 150 g of fish per week. For Florence Pinheiro Ortolan, naturopath, micronutritionist and founder of the chain beautify her health, we must favor small fatty fish (sardine, mackerel, anchovy, herring),
On the other hand, watch out for the “big” fatty fish which are the most polluted. The tuna is part of it (whether fresh or preserved) as well as the Poutan, the Shark or the Espadon. “”The greater the fish, the more it will store the pollution of the sea, in other words all the heavy metals whose planet saturates such as cadmium, tuna, arsenic, mercury or copper“, argues our expert. Beyond a certain threshold, these heavy metals become toxic to the body and cause inflammation – especially at the renal, hepatic, neurological, hormonal and sexual level – which will have an oxidizing effect, damage DNA and cell metabolism. “This low noise inflammation will be very prejudicial for cardiovascular operation and promote coronary and heart risk“, Continues our interlocutor. We must also be wary of another very consumed fish and which appears in the most contaminated fish list: salmon.
“”I recommend eating it twice a month maximum by favoring a wild salmon if you like its more pronounced taste or a breeding salmon which comes preferentially from Scotland“, Inform micronutritionist. Watch out for salmon cooked in aluminum papillotes:”Aluminum + fatty fish, it is an “explosive cocktail” because at high temperature, aluminum will migrate into fish“. Trout is a good alternative to salmon because it is a fish that lives in soft waters and which absorbs fewer toxic. For large fatty fish such as tuna, scourn, shark and swordfish, you have to Limiting a portion of 150 grams per month.