Addictive, it is difficult to avoid on a daily basis. However, this food accelerates the aging of your skin. Here are the explanations of a dermatologist.
Before you talk about food, do you know what allows the skin to have a smooth appearance? Collagen of course! It is a structural, natural and essential protein in the body. The latter has the power to give elasticity and resistance to your epidermis. That’s not all, it also nourishes your nails, your hair, your bones, your tendons … In short, collagen is your anti-aging ally.
But there is a small hiccup … Its production decreases by around 1 % each year from the age of 25. This loss accentuated later, around the premenopause. Result: the signs of old age (which, let us remember, are natural) begin to take shape. This explains why some people apply cosmetic products, or consume collagen -based food supplements, whose prices sometimes reach astronomical sums! So, before taking out the wallet, you should know that “The first thing to do, if we want to stop losing collagen, is to reduce our sugar consumption. This is excellent for our overall health”, explains the dermatologist Leire Barrutia through an Instagram publication, relayed in an article in La Vanguardia magazine.
“When we consume too much sugar added, it is embedded in the skin. This process is called glycation. The latter destroys collagen and contributes to aging, loss of firmness and the appearance of wrinkles”specifies the health professional. You will understand, without braking this habit, it is not possible to hope for smooth and plump skin.
We are aware that it is not easy to decrease or stop sweet desires. Here are some tracks to make your task easier: as soon as you feel the desire to snack, opt for fruit, a hot drink (tea, infusion), and/or a glass of water to fill your stomach. You can also enjoy a square of dark chocolate at least 85 %. In addition to filling a little hunger, it facilitates digestion. We wish you good luck!