“This is a very simple question, of childish appearance” indicates this urologist.
The bladder is an organ from which we pay too little attention. However, it is essential because it serves as a temporary reservoir for the urine produced by the kidneys, allowing it to be evacuated throughout the day. A sick or dysfunctional bladder can give inconvenient urinary symptoms (need to urinate often, burn for urination, impression that the bladder has not been completely emptied …) that should not be overlooked. To very quickly detect a bladder problem, Dr. Yaniv Larish, urologist and surgeon, shared the question he poses to each patient during their first consultation. Behind this question, a bittersman is actually hiding precious information. “”It is a very simple question, of childish appearance, which encourages the patient to confide in his urinary health“, Specifies the expert.
A person in good urinary health must answer “yes” to this question. “”Most people associate urinating with a push, but in reality, urinating is a question of relaxation … You have to think about anything when you urine and be completely Zen, it is the golden rule. And you will know that everything works properly if the liquid comes out easily, if all comes out at once very quickly and then stops“, Details the urologist in the podcast” Am I Doing It Wrong? “Of the HuffPost. On the other hand, if the answer is” no “,”You don’t pee suddenly and in a relaxed manner, so there is probably a problem that can be solved “he continues.
The famous question posed systematically by the urologist is: “Is your bladder nice to you?” – Understand:” urinate is it pleasant and easy for you? “Because a bladder in suffering or dysfunctional often gives clues during the urination that must be learned to spot. If you observe changes like wakeing up Increasingly at night to urinate, abnormal urine (blood in the urine, small “sand” particles in the bottom of the bowl …) or if you have gases with each urination (or if You need to “fart” to evacuate the last third of your urine), it is better to consult a general practitioner who can direct you to a urologist.
The causes of a urinary problem are multiple ranging from a benign infection (cystitis …), to slight incontinence, calculations, a prostate problem or even in the most serious cases urological cancer. Do not necessarily think of the worst but you have to be followed regularly so as not to be embarrassed by your bladder.