Confronting to contribute to the synodal path of churches in Italy: it is the objective of the assembly promoted by the synodal network, which combines about thirty associations from the basic Catholic world. On 22-23 February in Assisi there are more than 200 people among the acronyms of the network and individuals who want to participate: the event is in fact open to parishes and associations, also of other Christian confessions. We talk about it with Mauro Castagnaro of the Association We are churchamong the promoters of the event.
What is the intent of the assembly?
“The aim is to live an experience of comparison with the realities that have walked together in these three years. The previous meetings were online, we felt the need to get to know us live to strengthen the convergence between the groups and develop consensus texts on different topics. This is not a conference but a meeting, which everyone will participate in a position of equality. The final goal is to offer a contribution for the second Italian Synodal Assembly, on March 31st ».
Who is the synodal network from?
“Thirty basic acronyms are part of this, from Adista to Cipax passing through basic Christian communities, Italian theologian coordination, women for the Church, we are church, Pax Christi, pro Civitate Christiana and project adults Christian LGBT”.
What is the story of the network?
«In 2021, as we are church, we began to involve close realities with the urgency of raising renewal ideas for the Italian Church. Gradually the network has taken shape and there are more and more associations. Even before the Synod was made official, we wrote two letters open to the CEI, on the themes for us priority for the life of the Church, and on the method of comparison: we think that we must listen to everyone and that, rather than producing imprese synthesis, the documents must take into account the different voices, including divergent ones. Otherwise nothing new will ever emerge. Over the years we have compared ourselves on various issues, from the participation of sexual minorities and women in ecclesial life, to ecumenism, to the role of military chaplains “.
What themes will you compare yourself in the next few days?
«I only mention a few: organization of Christian communities, decision -making processes in the Church, ministries, role of women, participation of LGBT+people, liturgy, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. We will have two days to work, we will create interest groups: the tables will be ten and will have four hours to deal deeply. The CEI asked the diocese to get comments, proposals and comments, and we will do it: each table will spread a short text that will then flow into the final document that we will send to the CEI ».
Is it a path you are working independently or in synergy with the Italian bishops?
«We had two significant meetings, with Monsignor Erio Castellucci and Monsignor Valentino Bulgarelli, respectively president and secretary of the National Committee of the synodal journey. We work hand in hand. As I said, we aim to offer our contribution of thought and reflection ».
In the photo: the Citadel of Assisi, home of Pro Civitate Christiana, where the Synodal Network Assembly will hold.