Before spending a thousand and hundred in dental laundering, do you make this quick and easy gesture daily? A dentist explains its importance.
Teeth and in bed! MMH … something is missing in this sentence. A word designating this very often forgotten gesture. However, it is extremely important to have beautiful white quennots.
“Adopting this reflex makes it possible to maintain good oral hygiene, to breathe serenely and to prevent bacteria from spreading”explains Dr. Gülay Akay. They are not only spread, they accumulate! Results: cavities appear and your teeth discolour. This famous action therefore makes it possible to prevent various dental problems (which is not negligible, especially when the dentist appointments are dreaded). So don’t wait any longer, clean your tongue!
A small biological point is essential: “On the language, there are small structures called taste buds. It is under them that bacteria are housed. They produce bad odors and create an environment conducive to the formation of dental plaque”specifies the dentist. Have you already noticed a yellowish color on it? Once again, this color can affect the whiteness of your teeth, and yellow them in turn.
So how do you clean it? Ideally, with a langue. Our expert recommends positioning the tool at the back, and sliding it forward. Repeat the action several times. If you do not have a langue, you can use the rear part of your toothbrush, often with small peaks provided for this purpose. Please note, it is not recommended to brush your tongue with the front part of the brush. For what ? This could damage it and remove good bacteria essential to your hygiene.
You will understand, pamper your language. Without it, meals would no longer have taste or texture. Besides, it would be impossible to express yourself properly. In order to honor him, say: teeth, tongue and in bed!