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Managers can afford the services of a bank for only 11.50 euros per year. Provided you opt for the two least gourmet online establishments on the market, as revealed by our 2025 Bank costs.
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If you are an executive and customer of Boursobank or Fortuneo, you may have a smile. By choosing one of these two online banks, you almost free an international visa card or mastercard with delayed debit, a Discounted authorization of 500 euros and all the classic services that an establishment can offer. For all these services, you will only be billed to you 11.50 euros per yearor less than one euro per month in these two establishments, according to the last edition of the classification of the cheapest banks produced by Capitalin partnership with Panorabanques.
As every year, the comparator reviewed the pricing grids of a hundred establishments, and selected, for each of them, the least expensive formula between service packages – which include a set of services (bank cardaccount holding fees, etc.) – and these same services billed on the à la carte.
The ultra low rates charged by Boursobank or Fortuneo are not surprising, underlines Anna Meylacq, spokesperson for panorabanques. The average framework is indeed “A pampered profile by banks. They seek to attract executives who will then open savings accounts, take out life insurance, real estate credits, ” Basic banking services therefore constitute a call product for this coveted profile.
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Hello Bank! 10 times more expensive than Fortuneo or Boursobank
At a good distance from the head duo, Monabanq invoices a service at 65.30 euros per year with their Pratiq+package. A price six times higher than its online competitors, which is mainly explained by the cost of agios borne by the frame, much higher in the Federal Crédit Mutuel Crédit. If Hello Bank! (BNP Paribas) arrives at the foot of the podium, a frame will have to pay almost 10 times more than at Boursobank or Fortuneo.
Follow the Crédit Agricole and finally Milleis boxes (ex-Barclays France), which closes the top 10, with annual fees 140.70 euros. A level located these establishments under the market average, 157.60 euros (+2.5% in 2025). Quite the opposite of the red lantern on this profile, the Savoy bank, which punctuates 243.10 euros to our framework this year.
Services included in our average framework profile
– CB International visa or Mastercard card with delayed debit
– 1,000 euros in expenses outside the euro zone per year: 5 withdrawals of 100 euros per year at theforeigner outside euros and 2 payments of 250 euros
– benefits from a personalized overdraft authorization (used 10 days a month, up to 500 euros)
– No discovery incident
– 3 withdrawals moved per month to the automatic distributor
– 2 checkbooks sent to your registered mail, per year
– 1 Internet subscription
– 1 Installation of permanent transfer and 12 periodic transfers per year initiated via the Internet
– 8 occasional transfers by internet per year
– 3 Sampling and 36 monthly samples from private organizations
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