You are surely thinking well, but when you add this ingredient to your plate, you promote your weight gain, especially in terms of belly.
First of all, know that even if everyone in dreams, it is impossible to target weight loss. If your ultimate goal is to lose a few centimeters of thigh or get rid of your love handles, there is unfortunately no miracle solution.
On the other hand, if you want to lose weight, it is essential to review all your eating habits, but not only! Make sure to adopt a varied and balanced diet, practice physical activity, decrease your alcohol consumption … It is your lifestyle that you will have to adapt in order to succeed in losing weight health and durably. For example, to limit the fat that is housed in the abdominal strap, it is essential to avoid certain foods, well known to promote fat at this level. We speak in particular of foods rich in added sugars and in bold. Nutritionists have also revealed one of the ingredients to largely limit if you want to lose belly. And you may well be surprised …
It is simply bottled vinaigrette. And yes, if you consume salad (thinking of doing well) but you add industrial vinaigrette, it could reduce to nothing that you give yourself to lose weight. “All the dressings are not healthy and many types can increase the calorie and fat content of your salad without you realizing it, which can cause abdominal weight gain and brake your weight loss efforts”, explains Trista Best, approved dietician, in the online magazine “Eat this, not that”. As you can see, eating salad is beneficial, but be sure to choose how to season it. Favor a more natural version, by making your vinaigrette yourself. Opt for vinegar (cider, balsamic, wine …) a little lemon and olive oil. It’s simple and effective!
The objective is to replace fatty fats as much as possible with polyunsaturated fats in order to reduce abdominal fat and thus lose weight.