Fruits of the date from the Middle East, the dates are energetic, nourishing and their fiber content stimulates intestinal transit. We love them for their honey taste and their soft texture.
What are the benefits of health dates?
► Good for transit. Thanks to their fibersdates (especially consumed dry) help regulate intestinal transit and fight against constipation (7 to 8 dates bring quarter of daily fiber needs).
► A boost before sport. Due to their glucose, fructose and sucrose content, they constitute a excellent Source of energy for cells, making it a good contribution during physical efforts, especially if they are extended. The dates are particularly rich in potassium, making it a food of choice for athletes and the elderly.
► Anti-ANEMIE. They also contain magnesium and iron in significant quantities. We recommend them for people who suffer from anemia. In addition, the dates are very poor in fats, of which our diet often contains too large quantities.
► Good for hair. The date maker is regularly used in hair care products because her almond is rich in essential fatty acids, amino acids, proteins and ceramids, components similar to those of hair fiber. It gives vitality, softness and force to damaged hair and feeds in depth. You can add dates to your regular diet or simply make a mixture with aloe vera gel extract to apply on your hair to enjoy the additional sparkle.
How many calories are there in the dates?
We find 287 calories in 100 grams dried dates, about ten fruits. It’s a fruit highly energetic.
Nutrients | Date dates: content for 100 g | Fruit: average food |
Protein | 1.81 g | 1.0, g |
Carbohydrates | 64.7 g | 16.9 g |
– including sugars | 64.7 g | 14.6 g |
– including starch | 0 g | 0.3 g |
Dietary fiber | 7.3 g | 3 g |
Lipids | 0.25 g | 0.5 g |
– including cholesterol | 0 mg | 0.1 mg |
– including saturated fatty acids | 0.075 g | 0.2 g |
– including monounsaturated fatty acids | 0.1 g | 0.1 g |
– including polyunsaturated fatty acids | 0.021 g | 0.1 g |
Water | 22.9 g | 77 g |
Do the dates grow?
Be careful all the same because the dried dates are very rich in calories (282 per 100 grams), even if they have the advantage of satisfying and filling small appetites. During a diet, it is better to limit yourself in quantity or prefer fresh dates.
How many dates per day maximum?
With their soft and hard texture, the dates can be consumed directly without any addition at any time of the day, whether in snack or dessert. Recommendations are Three dried dates per dayor about 20 to 35 g dailyians, which provides approximately 2 grams of fiber. But of course it is possible to eat more, especially in the context of physical activity.
Do dates have health effects?
The dates can cause certain complications such as bloating, stomach aches and diarrhea. They can also be responsible for allergic reactions in some people and Increase the risk of dental caries.
Should we rather eat fresh or dried dates?
The dates are mainly consumed dry. They then contain less water than fresh dates, but as many fibers and sugars (more if you count on weight). Fresh dates contain a high concentration of antioxidants, mainly carotenoids and phenolic compounds. The dried dates contain less than the fresh dates, since a certain quantity is lost during dehydration.