“An overwhelming welcome”. So the commander of American Vespucci, Giuseppe Laistill excited, he defined the tour of the world of the sailing ship which, on the afternoon of March 1st, returned to Italy after 20 months of navigation. “When I looked at the city approaching the Alletta di Plancia, black and white images of the past came to my mind,” added the captain of Vascello telling the arrival in Trieste. Greeted by the Frecce Tricolori and escorted by Miriadi di Imabrcazioni, Vespucci landed in the Giuliana city where he will stop for a month for a special Barcolana that celebrates its return. From there he will then leave for his Mediterranean tour combined with the “Village in Italy”. The world tour “is an incredible experience, which takes deep and that I will always carry. A personal but also collective experience. A part of the story of this world tour, of what Italy represented Italy around the world, to the Italians, has now opens, “added the commander Lai. With the 20 months of navigation, which touched 35 ports and seen over half a million visitors, «He wanted to send all over Italy around the world». Speaking with the press, he stressed that “the memory that most excites me is the arrival in Trieste. Are soaked in this warmth and atmosphere, I saw my mom again after a long time. The welcome of the first Italian city after 20 months fills so much so that I can’t think of something else. If, on the other hand, I go back over time, the traverses of the Pacific and Capo Horn resurface in all their splendor ».
THEDefense Minister Guido Crosettounderlining the enthusiasm with which 30 countries of the 5 continents welcomed the Vespucci, recalled that “in each of the 35 ports touched we have shown that Italy is welcome, respect, friendship between peoples. The world tour told Italy in the world, confirming our nation as a model of humanity and relationships based on mutual respect. Now, with the Mediterranean tour, we want to tell the world to Italymaking each stage moment of comparison, growth and sharing. Today, in Trieste, also the first stage of a new adventure that opens with the “village in Italy”, to bring emotions, stories and images of this extraordinary enterprise ».