Monsignor Camillo Food.
He never stopped working Pope Francis, even during the hospitalization: last February 24, when he had been hospitalized for 10 days, he appointed bishop of the diocese of Trivento Monsignor Camillo Food, current bishop of Isernia-Venafro, combining the two offices in Episcopi. Born on October 28, 1954 in Casalbordino, in the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Chieti-Vasto, Monsignor Food has been the Bishop of the Molisan diocese for 10 years, he is President Ceam-the Abruzzo and Molise Episcopal Conference-and delegate for legal problems, the liturgy and the Sovvenian.
His was one of the latest appointments made by the Pope, during hospitalization. What feelings do you feel?
“First of all, I feel a feeling of profound gratitude, because I had the opportunity to ascertain how, despite this delicate phase of his health, Pope Francis did not abandon one of his main duties, that is, the appointment of bishops in vacant offices”
The decision to merge two dioceses goes in the direction indicated several times by this Pope. In concrete terms, what does it mean?
«There are occasions when two dioceses can walk together. Agree them, from a formal point of view, is a way to safeguard the individual identities: in the person of the bishop, the peculiarity of each reality is guaranteed, they become “sisters” dioceses and share an itinerary, a pastoral project, through the fraternal collaboration of the two presbyters “.
From his apartment to Gemelli, where he has been hospitalized for over two weeks, Pope Francis offers a testimony of fragility, but also of strength, because he continues to work, and courage …
«Yes, absolutely. I am amazed, amazed and admired by this strength. Already with St. John Paul II we were used to seeing the pope’s fragility, I remember when he looked out the window to greet the faithful and could not speak. Now, we know that at Gemelli there is a pontiff who does not disdain to show himself with his weakness, but also with the stubbornness in winning the fragility of the body, which cannot be an impediment for this soul so attentive and aimed not to abandon his responsibilities, that is, the helm of Peter’s boat “.
From his privileged point of view of the shepherd of two dioceses, what feelings do you see in the faithful towards this Pope at this moment?
“I witness a moving participation, there is a profound attention to all the news concerning the Pope’s health. The other day, for example, I stopped in the Autogrill: the customers of that bar, people unknown to me, seeing that I was dressed as a bishop, they asked me how the Pope was. This shows that Francesco really is in the heart of the people and the people, everyone is attentive and careful towards him, for each of us, Because we couldn’t do without him. Obviously, my people also pray on every occasion … ».
Is something organizing something in your diocese?
“Certain. Rosary’s performances and vigils take place in the individual parishes. I recommended to the parish priests to create different moments of prayer, to involve the greatest number of people ».
Finally, can you tell us a personal memory with Pope Francis?
«A few days after my episcopal ordination and my entry into the diocese, in early July 2014, Pope Francis came to visit in Molise. Bishops and priests made fun of me, claiming that I had been introduced into my new church, nothing less than by the Pope himself … In the end, when I found myself alone talking to him, I confided to him that in those days I was learning to be bishop, because I was less than a week in the diocese. He started smiling and I thought he forgot about this anecdote. The following year, I went on a pilgrimage to Rome with three thousand faithful. When I approached the Pope to greet him, he asked me: “So, did you learn to be a bishop?”. I was surprised that he remembered our interview: he has a wonderfully alive memory. And then I remember his unforgettable gaze, when he stares at you and captures your soul deep. It is truly surprising ».