Bruno Pizzul, sortlaid with Mariawith which she had The three children Fabio, Silvia And Anna, He was also grandfather of eleven grandchildren. Born in Udine in 1938, as a footballer he played with Catania, Ischia, Udinese and Cremonese. In 1969 he was hired in Rai and on April 9, 1970 he commented his first game (Juventus-Bologna, Italian Cup playing). In 2014, our correspondent Alberto Laggia He had met and interviewed him in his home in Friuli on the occasion of the meeting of Pope Francis with the elderly in St. Peter’s Square on September 28 of that year. And and and this “great old” Christian family dedicated the cover.
It is the grandparents who team up from Alberto Laggia
He recently shot a spot with the trap in which he played the role of the nice old man who dotes on the ball. And in the lost time he also made the comments on the radio and TV of the last Brazilian World Cup. It was one of the most beautiful voices of Italian and national football.
In October 2009 a “hoax” started from the internet gave him deceased. Made the debts Ash, Bruno Pizzul, Friulian Doc, born in 1938, instead he is alive and well and very little “retired”. The former commentator in the role of elderly is well. And if the speech becomes serious, it certainly does not pull back. For example, he agrees with Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the family, on the affirmation that the seniority, far from being a shipwreck, is instead a real vocation. “I have always been convinced,” says Bruno Pizzul, “who, regardless of age, hotels within each of us a child who remains such despite the years. In particular, we are asked to maintain the same enthusiasm, interest and care in the world we had as children. I try to do everything to follow this principle ».
What if our society makes you believe that the most beautiful thing, as well as possible, is eternal youth? “Then let’s go wrong. Because the Faustian myth of youth forever, in reality, is a condemnation of a perennial dissatisfaction. How sad in seeing many adults who turn into grotesque caricatures of themselves. With sometimes even comic effects. And the external appearance reflects a great internal void ».
Pizzul the essay? A elderly time was, in fact, synonymous with wisdom. Today more than anything else of “excluded from the lap”.
“And it’s a big problem,” says the former commentator, “because once the elderly person was a custodian of memories and the ability to tell the world. The oral tradition seems to have lost vigor and sense in front of the explosion of the information and image society. Instead, I believe it is decisive to continue to tell the world. And memory can only see the elderly protagonist ».
The first concept of history transmit your grandparents transmit it. Pizzul had a monarchist and a socialist, confined to Ustica. As if to say: a world that opens on the events of our recent past. But how does Nonno Bruno behave in the role? «First of all, it must be said that affective relationships and family intimacy are essential components for happiness. An elderly person is fully happy if he is also a grandfather ».
From this point of view, the former commentator can rightly be considered made by being an grandfather of 11 grandchildren.
“The problem is that often the grandchildren are completely missing,” he comments and then confesses: “As a grandfather, but also as a father, I think I have been a little absent, because of my work. But then I refer me by showing off my playful side ». In fact, it is said that if Pizzul play cards in the house it is because grandfather Bruno has given repeated lessons to everyone. “As a grandfather I vice my grandchildren a little and I leave my wife the task of dictating the rules.” In life as in football: everyone his role.
And speaking of roles, someone like him who also played discreetly in his youth, employed as a defender, Centromedian, as they were once said, in teams such as Udinese and Catania, where would “the elderly” place in the field if today’s club was a football team? “I would surely put it on the reference midfielder, who sorts balls perhaps without moving too much”. In short, a middle ground between Pirlo and Totti.