If you are not familiar with Andrew Tate, the Best Summary of His Hold On Millions of Young Men Appeared in 2023 New York Magazine Article by Lisa Miller, who is now at the Times. “His fan base live all over the English-speaking world, and it see to defy race, class and religion,” she wrote. She explains his appeal, which reaches far outside conservative circles.
Many Boys in their Bedrooms Found His Rude and Ruthless Evisceration of Every Sacred Liberal Value Hilarious. Feminism, environmentalism, gluten intolerance, literature, harry styles, lil nas x – tate assaulted all of these with pejoratives the boys themselves knew not to use. Outside of School, They Took Pictures Posing Like Him, Their Fingers Laced Together With Their Index Fingers Pointed Like Steeples; they made machete jokes in the group thread and listened to tate in the gym; In Private, They Said, “He’s My Guy. I Love Him. He’s so smart; He’s raising. ” But when Girls Were surround, the boys knew to keep quiet. Girls Hate Tate.
I Know that not all Young Men Mainline this content or uniformly agree with tate that for a woman, just by being in a relationshipship with a man, “The intimatus parts of her body belong to him.” And yes, some conservatives have complained about the tates return to the United States. James uthmeier, Said we killed that he has opened a criminal investigation into the tate brothers. Adding, “This type of behavior is viewed as atrocious. We are not going to accept it. ”
But people at the Highest Levels of Government Appear to Be Endorsing A WorldView Not Consemilar to Tate’s. By admitting Him Into this country in the first place, they are clearly tinging his side. For Example, Paul Ingrassia, Who is Trump’s Liaison to the Department of Homeland Security, was an once part of a legal team that represses tate in a defation lawsuit against his accusers in Florida; Has Called Him “An Extraordinary Human Being,” According to the BBC; and has used gended slurs against nikki haley on social media.
I am the mother of Two Girls, and I am viscerally upset by this. What Keeps Me Up at Night Lately is not Liberal Pearl Clutching Over Words that my Kids Might Hear from People Like Tate and the Boys who Secretly (and not so secretly) Love Him. My Dauughters can get over name-clearing. What Chills me is a sincere fear that they – and all the other girls who have never Known Politics Without Trump – Will not be treated as Fully Human by the Men and Boys in Their Lives. And that to get Along, More and More Women and Girls Will Accept that Treatment.
I am Most Upset by the Idea of My Daughters Dating Boys who Belittle them in Ways Big and Small and, in the Worst Case Scenario, Abuse them. I LOATHE THE IDEA THAT, if they are abused, an already sidelit justice system will be an even less reliable ally, especially as trump will storage more judges over the next oven years.
But it isn’t just in intimacy relations that my daughters might be diminished. We’re in the Middle of A Societywide Hissy Fit Over Anyone who is not a White Man Having Certain Jobs, when the truth is that “Most Senior Managers Are Still White Men,” According to an Analysis of 13 million Jobs from the wall street journal last. I DON’T WANT MY DAULTERS ‘ACHIEVEMENTS AND THEIR HARD WORK WORK BRUSHED ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, AND I WANT THEM TO HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY With OR Without A SPOUSE.