“Red wine was for a long time given to our patients hospitalized in cardiology on medical prescription”.
Red wine is often considered the type of wine the “healthier” because it would have health virtues that white or rosé do not have, especially for the heart or blood circulation. But what is its impact on cholesterol? “”During my experience, I could observe that red wine was for a long time administered to our patients hospitalized in cardiology on medical prescription with dietary follow -up, tells us Jeanne Vicaire, nurse in cardiology. So I was interested in its effects and wanted to understand why we gave red wine and not beer for example. The answer provided was rather clear: red wine in small quantities or in moderate consumption (1 to 2 maximum/day glasses) showed benefits on cardiovascular disease, thanks to its interesting natural antioxidant effect on the atheromatous or cardio-ischemic level that other alcoholic drinks do not have“.
“”Among alcoholic beverages, red wine seems “remarkable” because it provides abundant polyphenolic compounds, which are supposed to provide additional advantages on reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and on hypercholesterolemia“, Report Spanish researchers in a study. So no, red wine, in reasonable quantities, does not give or increases cholesterol. It is even capable, due to its richness in polyphenols such as phenolic acids, flavonols or anthocyanas, to limit the oxidation of cholesterol and therefore to prevent the formation of noccif. level of arteries.
But beware. This antioxidant benefit is lost if the consumption of red wine increases or becomes excessive (more than 2 glasses per day) because “Significant consumption of alcohol increases triglycerides, and the risks of high blood pressure, cardiac accidents (stroke, infarction …), overweight/obesity or even liver cancer for example“, wishes to specify our expert in cardiology. “Today, red wine is only prescribed in a few hospitals in France, for example in certain geriatrics or oncogeriatric services” Teach us our interlocutor. This prescription is always accompanied by very framed dietetic follow -up.
Red wine remains a sweet and calorie alcoholic drink (85 calories per glass) which contains almost no essential nutrients for the body. It must therefore be consumed in moderation. There is no consumption threshold that would certainly limit health risks, but according to public health experts in France and the National Cancer Institute, you must limit yourself to 10 standard glasses of maximum week, without exceeding 2 standard glasses per day, and not every day (a standard glass = 12 cl of wine). “”It is recommended to make weeks without alcohol or red wine“Insists to finish our expert in cardiology.