Professor Gian Piero Turci of the University of Padua
The school asks for more tools and resources to respond to the increase in bullying and cyberbullying cases. “Since the beginning of the year, the debate on the educational role of the school system is fueled by several cases of news, followed by the appeals of institutions and politics For more severe measures towards bullieswhile parents protest for the lack of paths of protection and training to respect between peers ». So the Secretary General of Fondazione Carolina, Ivano Zoppiopened the first accredited course aimed at teachers and school staff of the body dedicated to Carolina Picchio, the first recognized victim of cyberbullying in Europe. In the middle, the school, between the anvil and the hammer of a narrative that sees teachers and school staff as managers of students’ conduct, also in the digital field.
A complex situation, which Fondazione Carolina monitors every day in every place inhabited by the boys, primarily the school. Available to teachers, ATA staff and all professions with ECM obligation, Three days in the presence of experts operating directly on the fieldin the face of cases of online violence and youth discomfort, increasingly linked to the distorted and unaware use of digital tools.
“The goal is to overcome the commonplaces that pollute and slow down the construction of that new educational pact that the educating community hopes for too many years”, continues Ivano Zoppi. “Nobody was born bully, but we all have the responsibility of the direction that our boys choose to take every day. Information and prevention are no longer enough to intersect the race of technological evolution ». The Secretary of Fondazione Carolina reiterates the need to invest in new tools at the service of the school, capable of moving from mere theory to practice.
“Tools not only technical or regulatory, but above all emotional, methodological and educational, capable of changing gear to a formation still stopped at the definitions of the phenomena – adds Ivano lame – and categories that have been overcome such as that of the victim and the executioner while, especially on the web, the boys often cover both roles” .. a path started on March 14 at the Milanese headquarters of Fondazione Carolina, to share with the employees of empirical data, Resources in the service of those who live and share a large part of the day with the new generations.
Keyword: awareness
- What are the main risks related to the unaware use of the Internet?
- How to promptly recognize the signals of bullying and cyberbullying?
- What are the civil and criminal consequences resulting from an act of bullying and cyberbullying?
To answer these and other questions, the course touches all the educational, psychological, sociological, legal and technical aspects that characterize the extraordinary experience of the Rescue Team of Fondazione Carolina. A Cyber prompt intervention which today has three multidisciplinary teams located on the national territory, guaranteeing the students a heritage also in terms of Know How. Over the past two school years Fondazione Carolina has managed 274 cases Linked to phenomena and digital conducts that put minors at risk: from cyberbullying to sexting, from extreme challenge to online adapting, to the consequences of an increasingly widespread addiction to smartphones and social networks.
A panorama of skills that translates on the didactic level with practical and aimed at promptly recognizing the signs of discomfort.
NetGuardian’s added value
Artificial intelligence at the service of the legality and serenity of the class group. The tool developed by the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, Applied Psychology of the University of Padua, on the basis of the experience at the service of the Carolina Foundation schools, scientifically measure the exposure to the risk of online violence in class chats. “We built, invented, technology produced, but without accompanying the tools to govern digital scenarios. The poor ability to evaluate the online text productions – reports the professor Gian Piero Turchiscientific manager of the project – leads students to underestimate the situations in which they can be found when using social platforms ». The added value of this revolutionary app, available to all schools, is precisely to analyze the chats in real time, intercepting the cases before the boys impact, identifying the problem without the student to expose or denounce the incident.
Milan Sold out
How to guarantee students a healthy and positive school and digital environment?
In March (14-21-28 March) Carolina Foundation organized a complete and in-depth course aimed at teachers of various order and degree, ATA staff, of educational support and all professions with ECM obligation. 25.2 training credits will be recognized to the participants of the Milanese session, which has reached the limit of registrations.
Palermo, two courses in May
Registrations open for courses organized in Sicily. Appointment in Palermo with two training sessions: 9-10 May and 16-17 May. The courses, which can be purchased with teaching paper, are accredited pursuant to the ministerial directive 170/2016 and present on the Sofia platform
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