The Spanish brand, Zara, has sold a most enigmatic dress. It’s very simple: nobody knows how to wear it! But then, what does it so special?
When you go to Zara to buy a dress, you do not expect not to be able to put it … And yet, this is what happened to this London fashionist who made a real buzz on Tiktok. Indeed, Aysat, alias @Aysatlife, published a video on which she shares her difficulties in putting on her new dress bought from Zara. It raised millions of views and nearly 3,000 comments. An advertisement like any other for the brand!
Season after season, Zara is still at the forefront of trends! The proposed pieces very often meet, a great success, so much so that many influencers publish their various purchases and outfit of the day from the clothing store daily. On the other hand, this time, if the brand has been talked about, it is not to boast the merits of its new dress, but because it found itself the object of a real mystery. Indeed, when Aysat shared her difficulties in understanding how to wear a Zara dress, she was a thousand leagues to think that her video would become completely viral on the networks. After buying the printed midi dress from ZARA’s ZW collection, the young woman wanted to try it, but impossible to know how … “I don’t know. I don’t know how to put that. I don’t know. There are holes. I don’t know if my head is supposed to go here? Or maybe here?”she told her subscribers.
Under the video, the comments fuse, all funnier than each other: “I tried it in a Zara store, even the staff could not help me”tells a young woman. “I had to return this dress, it’s so confusing”said another. For his part, a subscriber shares: “I saw it on the Zara site and I almost bought it, but after looking at the photos, I knew that I was not ready for complexity, so I dropped.”
Following this post, many Tiktok users tried to offer the best way to wear said dress, which is now unavailable on the Zara US site. Mystery and gum ball!