To guarantee your safety and be in good standing, home equipment must particularly attract your attention this year.
For 10 years now, a new device has appeared in French houses and apartments to guarantee the protection of its occupants. In 2025, each household was invited to check this device, as it may well no longer be functional and cause security problems. Some insurances may also refuse compensation for a claim if the device has not been maintained or replaced.
Coming into force on March 8, 2015, the Morange law established a brand new obligation in France. This law plans to equip the accommodation with at least a smoke detector in accordance with the European standard in 14604, to be ideally installed in a corridor which serves the rooms and living rooms. If since that date, there has been no major change in the legislation, the anniversary date marks an important turning point. You should know that the maximum lifespan of a smoke detector is 10 years due to the wear of their sensors, the aging of electronic components and the exhaustion of sealed batteries. Over time, their effectiveness decreases, increasing the risk of false alerts or non-detection of a fire. After this period, it is compulsory to fully replace the system, at the risk of encountering dysfunction problems. Those installed in 2015, when the Morange law entered into force, arrive at the end of the cycle and must therefore be replaced.
Not only can non-compliance with this obligation endanger the lives of the occupants of housing, but can also lead to financial losses. In the event of a fire, the absence or non-functioning of the detector may have consequences: some insurance may refuse or reduce compensation if the detector was not installed or maintained as planned.
Even if the owners are responsible for the installation of smoke detectors, it should not be forgotten that tenants also have an essential role to play for their maintenance. It is important to clean the smoke detector about once a month using a vacuum cleaner to clear the obstructed holes. Most models are equipped with a test button. If you notice weakness or dysfunction in your device, you must replace the battery, but avoid removing it for a yes or for a risk of altering the device.