On March 31, the end of the winter break and the resumption of rental expulsions will be sounded. A sad outcome to which the owners are constrained to mounted to rent unpaids. Unpaid which they can obtain reimbursement by opting for a system still too little used.
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– Loyer unpaids certainly represent only 3.5% of rental contracts in France, according to the insurance broker Solly Azar, but they are sleeping nights for landlord owners as the recovery procedures are complex.
To safeguard
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Roman has already lost 25,000 euros in unpaid rents and legal costs to try to recover them, within the framework of a procedure which is only in its infancy. Jocelyne Acute € 1,200 euros in costsbailiff While his tenant has free parking for the simple reason that he no longer pays the rent. Melanie Can’t re -make his apartment because his tenant left without warning with the keys and no longer adjusts the rent, either. The unpaid rent certainly represent 3.5% of rental contracts In France, according to the insurance broker Solly Azar, but they are sleeping nights without sleeping landlords as the recovery procedures are complex.
However, there is a solution to guard against unpaid rents, and which is not new: the unpaid rent guarantee (GLI). But “It remains unknown to many owners, who do not measure the consequences of unpaid rents” and opt spontaneously for a guarantorexplains to Capital Valérie Imbert, Director of Customer Services for Solly Azar. No longer perceiving his rental income is however synonymous with financial difficulties when the landlord has not finished repaying the credit contracted to buy his property, whose reimbursement monthly is funded by the rent.
Unpaid rent: Towards a guarantee set by the tenant, and no longer by the owner?
Management of the recovery procedure
However, the GLI reimburses you from the first unpaid rent and, at Solly Azar in any case, until the sixth month following the service, to the tenant, of the expulsion judgment pronounced by a judge. The GLI of this insurance broker thus reimburses up to 30 months of unpaid rents. Whether it is this 30 -month ceiling or the period of six months after the service judgment“It is rare that we arrive at such ends”nuance Valérie Imbert.
The GLI not only reimburses the unpaid rent, it also covers the costs of the legal procedure and its organization. “The procedure for recovering unpaid rents is long, especially during the winter truce (which prohibits expulsions from November 1 to March 31, editor’s note). Unlike the owners uninsured lessors, Solly Azar has for example the possibility of reserving hearings with the judges, to accelerate expulsions ”explains Valérie Imbert. An asset of size in a context of engorged courts. The broker works with a network of lawyers and courts (the new name for bailiffs) present everywhere in France.
“Our tenant has placed himself in over -indebtedness, his 7,000 euros in unpaid will not be reimbursed to us”
3% to 5% of tenant files are false
A protection for what price? On average, LAt the GLI contribution represents approximately 3% of the monthly rent. An amount which depends on the professional situation of the tenant (employee on permanent contracts or auto-entrepreneur for example), his income, the city where the accommodation and the level of the rent is located. At Solly Azar, the landlord lessor of an apartment located in Vichy (Allier), rented 450 euros per month to a couple in permanent contracts excluding trial period earning 2,800 euros in total, will pay a monthly contribution of 17.63 euros. An amount elsewhere deductible from his reference tax income.
The easiest way to combat the unpaid rent is to ensure that they do not arise, the landlord owners can also call on a professional in the detection of fraudulent documents to examine the tenants’ application files. For 25 euros, Solly Azar screened them, with the help of specialized software and specialists in payroll sheets, which in particular check that social security contributions correspond well to the rates in force. “Between 3% and 5% of the tenant files that are submitted to us are false and pay slips represent most of the fraudulent documents»»notes Valérie Imbert. Payable on the internet, they seem more true than life …
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