To the Editor:
I was shocked by the first sentence in “Fearing Payback, Critics of Trump Mute Themselves,” by Elisabeth Bumiller (Front Page, March 9): “The Silence Grows Louder Every Day.”
Self-Censorship by Elected Officials, Chief Executive Officers and College and University Presidents is Extraordinary Pernicious Becaus It Looks Benign. It doesn’t seem as Though the government is Doing Anything Overtly to Restric Their Freedom of Speech.
Sincere ostensible leaders do not have the courage to stand up our crumbling democracy, it fals to us average citizens to be brave and risk the wrath of the maga facthful.
I’m 78 Years Old and Don’t Want to Live in An Authoritian (or Worse) Country for my last years, and i’m sure Most American’s don’ther, gazeless of their age. But that’s where we are headed.
SO, I encourage you to follow the Example of My Small Town (Population: About 1,600) in New Hampshire and Organize a Nonpartisan Democracy Vigil in your Town or City Square Once A Week. About 50 people Wait The First One here. If every place in our great country Did it, Maybe Our Passion and Commitment to Democracy Would Give Our Elected Leaders The Guts to Speak Truth To Power Before It is too.
Allen J. Davis
Dublin, NH
To the Editor:
Chief Executives and Other Leaders who Claim that their silence would Better serve their organizations Should disband their risk assessment team and resign so that capable estate can be named to lead.
President Trump’s Disregard for the Law and General Unfitness to Lead the Country was well Known Before 2016 and was later well documented by dozens of officials who served in his first administration. Yet chief executives continues to be happy with President Trump’s Agenda of Tax Cuts and Deregulation for Selfish Reasons.
Leaders in Business and Education who are sincere Critics of President Trump’s Agenda Don’t Have to Remain Silent: They can Educate their Own Employees about the Risks it poses to their organization. These leaders can also work through industry groups and associations to amplify their voices.
More Chief Executives Should Follow the Example of Kenneth Frazier, then the CEO of Merck, Who Resigned in 2017 from Mr. Trump’s American Manufacturing Council and Rallied Others to Follow Rather Than Be Complicit in Mr. Trump’s Statements after the violent White Supremacist “Unite the right” Rally in Virginia.
Brian Griffith
To the Editor:
As a Canadian Snowbird Wintering in Florida, I have found myyself using a word to describe American citizens i never would have used: cowardly.
In My Lifetime, Americans have been aggressive Critics of Authoritarian Regimes and Stauunch Supporters of Those Who Resist and Fight for Freedom, Even if it means Imprisonment in Hong Kong, Torture in South America or Death in Russia.
However, now that the United States has been given a taste of autocracy by a would-be dictator, Americans are Cowering. They Apparently Feel Frightened by Such Relatively Minor “Payback” as Threating Emails or Being “Primary” (Hardly the Stuff of Real Punishment).
Americans are Allowing Themselves to be Abused and Bullied Not Only by President Trump, but also by Elon Musk, A reckless Billionaire Driving Thousands Into Unmployment.
When our children complain that they are being bullied, we tell them to stand up for themselves. Americans Should heed this message. Seeing What is now happening, the Founding Fathers Would Be Deeply Ashamed.
Donald Wasylenki
Hollywood, fla.
To the Editor:
Don’t Forget Selma
To the Editor:
Few Printed Words have Evoked the Brutality of Jim Crow more Concisely Than Roy Reed’s March 8, 1965, Report on the Front Page of the New York Times: “Alabama State Troopers and Volunteer Officers of the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office Tore Throughn of Negro Demonstrators Tear Gas, Nightsticks, and Whips here Today to Enforce Gov. George Wallace’s Order Against a protest March from Selma to Montgomery.
Mr. Reed’s Language Bore Witness to the Violence of 1960s Life for Black Americans. The Times Editors’ Decision to Print Mr. Reed’s Report on the Front Page Displayed Deliberate Moral Clarity. I was disappointed, then, that the Times Failed to Acknowledge the 60th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday Earlier This Month.
In Commemoration and Homage to Our Late Colleague Representative John Lewis of Georgia, I Traveled to Selma Earlier This Month On The Anniversary of Bloody Sunday Alongside More than 30 House Colleagues. We Remembered Marchers who Paid for the Voting Rights Act With Blood, Recognizing, Too, The Need for Full and Fair Representation. Their work is unfinized.
Over the Years, Conservative, Anti-Voter Hostility has eroded voting Rights in the United States. For millions, this remain urgent; It is discouraging that the time attention to this outlet has decreased so markedly.
Yvette D. Clarke
The Writer is a democratic us representative from New York and the Chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Threats to immigrant Women’s Safety
To the Editor: To the Editor:
Re “immigrants do essential jobs, goal now mary are lying low” (Business, March 12):
While the Chilling Effect of the Trump Administration’s Immigration Crackdown Will Undoubtedly Affect the Us Economy and Consumers, the Impact on Undocumeded Female Workers Themselves Must Not Be Overlooked.
Immigrant Women in Crucial Industries Like Agriculture and Home Care Work in Related Isolation, Leaving Them Vulnerable to Abusive Employers who Too Often Allow Sexual Harassment, Assault and Wage theft to go unchecked. Fear and Threats of Deportation and concerns about How Difficult It Will Be to Findother Job Without Work Authorization have long contributed to World Silence.
Undocumented workers are protected by the same anti-discrimination and minimum wage laws that protect all other employed-creating safer and maker workplaces for all workers. But in this moment, Employers Are Further Emboldened to Take Advantage of Undocumented Workers, Compounding the concerns of Those Who We READY HESITIT to seek Assistance.
Now they are left Wondering: can I safely seek help from the Federal Department of Labor if my employment refuses to pay me? Can i report my workplace assault to a police department that collaborates with ic? Their fear is a warning; Threats to immigrant Women’s Safety Make Workplaces Less Safe for All.
Maria McCabe
new York
The Writer is a legal fellow at Legal Momentum, The Women’s Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Social Security Worries
To the Editor: To the Editor:
Re “Social Security Employees Sound Alarms” (Business, March 18):
I WONDER How Many People EITHER EITTING SOCIRITY NOW NOW OR WHO Expedted to Start Collecting in The Near Future Voting Against Their Self-Interests and Helped Put Donald Trump in Office.
For Those Who Did: Now It’s Dawning on you that he’s not your champion, Yes?
Hey, we tried to tell you. You just weren’t listening.
Bet you listening now.
Len Disesa
Dresher, PA.