Insurers try to take matters into their own hands to reverse the trend of this “mafia practice” which consists in offering excessive gifts to motorists for the simple replacement of a windshield. Interview with Bertrand Delignon, Director of Macif.
Automobile insurance is generally expensive. But they are essential to cover the risk of road accidents as well as damage caused as repairs to the vehicle. When his car was struck while he was properly parked, Damien was seduced by unkr -approved garages. Unlike those recommended by his insurer, they offer him, in addition to replacing his windshield, particularly attractive offers. “I have several company trucks, and in two years, I have already received an electric scooter and a jacuzzi”says the 40 -year -old young man. “”But for the PS5, it took two windshields to change “he adds. And you only have to see “windshield specialists” on the site to become aware, at a glance, of this escalation. “”Franchise offered or Nintendo Switch Lite or 200 euros in Illicado card offered for any replaced windshield“, is it written in large character. The only constraint?”Advance the costs, but again, I had been able to arrange myself with the garage “confirms Damien.
In fact, for a few years, insurers have been helpless, helpless, a real “mafia practice”, as Bertrand Delignon, IARD director (fires, accidents and various risks) to the Macif. Concretely, “Instead of invoicing the replacement of a windshield 700 euros as with approved garage owners, these unscrupulous professionals increase the bill to 1400-1500 euros. For a simple repair, it is 185 euros instead of 75 euros, more than double the price“, He explains to us. This tariff difference therefore allows them to easily offer attractive gifts while enjoying an interesting margin, to the detriment of insurers, but not only.”This overload ultimately refers to all the insured people who see their contributions increase“says the director of the Macif.
However, “Insurers are standing against these professionals in order to make this market more virtuous and avoid penalizing the most serious garage owners“, Ensures the specialist. While a bill aimed at capping the costs of repairing or replacing the Ice Brising has not yet succeeded, many people put the means or plan to change their own policy. “Some insurers have set up, under their general conditions, a dependent rest for the insured if he decides to call on an unauthorized garage“. And that’s not all: when the invoice displays more double than the real cost of the repair, expertise is ordered by the majority of insurers in order to ensure that the amount is in accordance.”We can decide not to fully refund the amount with the mechanic who will then have to pay the rest at the expense, which creates a dispute with the repairer. But as soon as the case is brought before the courts, we win and some, put in difficulty, have already put the key under the door“says Bertrand Delignon.
The latter now advises members to contact their insurance to know precisely the conditions, with a possible complexity of the route, for example, a delay in payment. Also, if some insurers already cap the amount of compensation, “It is a market movement that will impose itself on everyone “he believes. “”It is a reflection that we have at the Macif “, concludes Bertrand Delignon.