The contractual termination opens the right to a starting indemnity, the amount of which can often be renegotiated upwards. In 2021, this compensation amounted on average at 1,465 euros. But its amount can strongly fluctuate according to your profile and seniority.
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Touch the jackpot when leaving your job? It is the attractive hope of the conventional rupture, this amicable separation system between employees and employer who gain popularity each year. As proof, in 2023, more than 515,000 agreements have been signed, according to figures from the Ministry of Labor. It must be said that this option is much more advantageous than resignation or dismissal, since it gives you the right to generous financial compensation. If legal dismissal allowances – equal to ¼ month of salary for the first 10 years of seniority, then ⅓ month of salary per year of seniority after 10 years – are planned, you can also inflate the bet by negotiating a supra-legal compensation with your employer.
But before telling him about your desires, moreover, it would be wise to know the amount you can hope for when you leave. According to a report from the Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics (DARES), Posted in August 2022the median compensation perceived during a contractual termination is to 1,465 euros. Clearly, in 2021, half of the employees who opted for an amicable departure received an compensation greater than this amount, while the other half received a lower sum. But beware, this amount varies sharply according to your seniority, your professional status or your sector of activity … So many parameters that can rise up – or downward – your compensation.
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The contractual termination depends mainly on the status
Very often, when it comes to haggling, executives draw out of the game. Negotiation during a conventional rupture is no exception: indeed, 57% of them succeed in winning a starting indemnity exceeding at least 5% that provided by law. Side employees and workers, it’s another story: only 19% and 17%, respectively, reach this performance. Several explanations for this. First, because as the association for the employment of executives, APEC, underlines “The executives, who by their profession are broken to negotiations, are more inclined to negotiate their salary»»and therefore their departure conditions. A paid strategy: according to dares, seniority and equivalent salary, executives receive on average 0.30 months salary per year of seniorityagainst 0.25 months for employees and workers.
But these more generous starting allowances are not only explained by negotiation alone: with higher basic wages, Managers mechanically benefit from greater compensation. Result, the median starting envelope of the executives is Five times greater : 5,280 euros, far ahead of the 1,100 euros of the workers or the 1,000 euros of the employees. If the differences are cut with seniority, the trend cannot be reversed: count 32,170 euros if you are a framework with more than 10 years of seniority, against only 9,990 euros for a worker.
In short, working in areas where the executives are more numerous, such as the bank or theinsuranceincreases your chances of being in the high range of compensation. On the other hand, sectors like theaccommodation or the restorationwhere qualified posts are less frequent, are much less generous. It’s up to you to assert your qualities with your boss during negotiations!
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