Looking for ideas for converting unused attics? Here is one that is not lacking in cleverness. Let there be light!
If, like many French people, you are lucky enough to have attics or a room under the roof of your household and you are lacking inspiration to make the most of them, you have clicked in the right place. The owners of this property were in the first scenario. Their attic was certainly a good size, but very dark and absolutely not optimized. In order to see things more clearly and make this wasted space an additional room worthy of the name, they trusted the experts at VELUX®. Once their project was validated, they installed two 2-in-1 glass roofs, a model that combines the size of two windows in a single frame, and the room was literally transformed.
Thanks to the fairly exceptional supply of natural light, they were able to set up a quality (tele)working station here, with a breathtaking view of nature. Conducive to concentration and creativity, it leaves you dreaming… And as their gym was once located here, they also needed space to recreate it, only better! In order to meet their needs for regular sporting activity, they were able to imagine, at the end of their attic, a well-being space at home. Consisting of an indoor bike and all the equipment necessary for practicing yoga, fitness and bodybuilding, it has a space large enough to exercise without hindrance and with beautiful light to boot.
As a bonus, and thanks to the newly created openings, the room can now be ventilated as it should, during and/or after exercise. Enough to chase away the toxins that the body will have released during the session. Formerly without much interest, this room now fulfills a double function and seems to have pushed the walls thanks to innovations by VELUX®. A nice transformation that makes you want to work out, like working with your eyes in the blue.