If you are looking to lose weight, know that this Picard dish is to be banned. A nutritionist is categorical: he will ruin all your slimming efforts.
Going to Picard is a reflex for many. Save time, practicality, wide choice of dishes and products, the frozen brand has everything to seduce. And overall, she does things pretty well. Its Nutri-Score affixed to packaging allows you to make lit choices, and its vegetables, legumes or frozen fruits often display excellent nutritional quality. But beware, everything is not to be put in your basket with your eyes closed. Some products, although tasty, are far from being slimming allies. And according to a nutritionist, there is one in particular that should be avoided at all costs.
Cooked dishes are the first to finger. “”As soon as it is transformed, there are ingredients that are added, additives“, Prevents Doctor Arnaud Cocaul. Fat, sweet, rich in salt and preservatives, these dishes mostly display a Nutri-Score D, or even E. Result: to be consumed in moderation.”If you buy it, do not exceed the letter C“, he advises. Clearly, favor less processed and better rated dishes to limit excess.
But the real trap is found elsewhere. It is not only the cooked dishes that are problematic, but especially the desserts and the family formats. “”The worst dish at Picard is desserts, especially the cake for three or four people“, Alerts the specialist. Very rich in sugar, fat and additives, these sweets can quickly explode the calorie intake, especially since it is easy to consume more than expected.”Be extremely weighted, that is to say once a month perhaps“, Recommends Doctor Cocaul.
If individual portions remain a more measured option, it is better to favor more balanced alternatives such as frozen fruits or natural yogurts.