A detox cure is necessary! To lose weight, regain energy, or detoxify your body, there are many reasons to get started. But concretely, how to go about it?
Repeated food abuse, consumption of industrial and monotonous food, lack of oxygenation, or even overly festive evenings… All these small daily errors can not only lead to weight gain, but also tire the body. A detox cure then becomes necessary! Although its main objective is not to lose weight, it contributes to weight loss for several reasons: first, it leads to dietary changes, which can cause weight loss depending on the diet previously followed. Then, it aims to cleanse the body of accumulated excesses and to rest the digestive and elimination organs. Usually overworked, these organs will start working more efficiently again, making it easier to burn calories and providing a sort of metabolism reset. Finally, this “gentle purge” represents a real break for the body and mind, allowing you to start off on a good basis: rebalanced, with more energy, a fresh complexion, beautiful hair and top morale! Motivated and in great shape, we naturally maintain good slimming reflexes for the future.
A slimming detox ideally lasts 3 weeks (minimum one), and she must not starve! There is no question of eating exclusively vegetable broth and smoothies. Simply, we actually increase the proportion of plants to stock up on fiber and vitamins. But we prepare enough large plates so as not to go hungry. Here are 10 tips.
1. Delete them foods high in toxinswhich “clog” the body: cold meats, red meat, dairy products and cheeses, alcohol, and all sweet foods (sodas, desserts other than fruit), as well as anything industrial and ready-made (sauces, dishes , soups, breads and cakes…)
2. Favor raw : foods contain many more enzymes when they are not cooked (these generally disappear around 50°C), and are richer in vitamins. When cooking, it is as little as possible (exception: soups).
3. Choose foods that you like: even if they are supposed to be detoxifying, you don’t eat black radish, fennel or artichoke if you don’t like them!
4. Consume good sugars : rice (whole grain), buckwheat, quinoa, but also legumes (peas, lentils, beans).
5. Flavor: use and overuse herbs, spices, and reduce the amount of salt.
6. Do not eliminate fats: but only keep the “good” ones: eat avocados and walnuts and almonds, use olive oil, rapeseed oil, nuts on your food.
7. Eat seasonally: no strawberries or cucumbers in December! Choose fresh, go to the market and take the opportunity to discover vegetables that are not usually consumed. A detox differs depending on the season, because the body has different needs
8. Eliminate the bread and reduce gluten by favoring foods that do not contain it (rice instead of Chinese pasta for example, buckwheat instead of semolina, etc.)
9. Allow yourself a small snack if you are hungry: fruit or oilseeds, squares of dark chocolate, plain soy dairy, large homemade vegetable juice, hot or cold drink such as herbal tea, green tea with lemon and ginger to drain and tone up the liver.
10. Prefer it organic : they contain fewer pesticides and additives, are richer nutritionally, particularly in terms of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. It’s always good to have! If you are not used to buying organic products, you can do so at your own pace, according to your budget.
Breakfast :
- Unlimited fruits (including banana, very beneficial)
- A nice handful of oilseeds (unroasted, unsalted)
- A hot drink without sugar (ideally green tea or herbal tea)
Lunch :
- A nice plate of vegetables (3/4 raw + ¼ cooked) with a drizzle of oil, the juice of a lemon and aromatic herbs
- The first week, a bowl of cereals or legumes with spices or tomato sauce; the 2e and 3e weeks, alternate with 100 to 120g of fish or poultry or 2 eggs
- 1 or 2 fresh fruits.
Dinner :
- A homemade vegetable broth
- Its vegetables with a drizzle of oil and herbs, and possibly some cereals
- 1 or 2 raw and/or cooked fruits.
1. Always massage your stomach in a clockwise direction.
2. Work on your abdominal breathing as much as possible.
3. Get out as much as possible and go for walks in the forest, brisk walking, swimming, or a bike ride.
4. Rest because fatigue can be felt during the first two or three days of the treatment: long nights, quiet relaxation must be there!
5. Take a good bath sprinkled with some essential oils.
6. Drink a glass of lukewarm lemon water as soon as you wake up.