What happened to Andrea Prosperothe computer student found lifeless in an apartment in the center of Perugia, is still a mystery with dark points to clarify. The 18 -year -old would have been instigated to suicide in chat, manifested doubts for study stress. A Roman peer ended up under house arrest due to instigation or help to suicide, another Campania is investigated by the sale of opiates. In his room, 60 SIM cards and 5 phones.
“Among the folds of the fragility of young people, the ferocity that uses the net to hurt is easily insinuated», He comments Ivano Zoppisecretary of the Carolina Foundation. «Unfortunately Andrea is one of the many victims of the suffering of a solitude that the boys cannot manage, looking for comfort on the web. A network that, in one way or another, gives you the feeling of not being alone, of being understood and, as in his case, of being supported and incited to “find the courage” to make the extreme gesture “.
And he continues, “two sides of the same tool: on the one hand the refuge, for Andrea, in which to find the illusion of listening. On the other the weapon to hurt, manipulate and instigate. Always of an instrument, however, we are talking. And how it is used».
“Justice will certainly take its course” concludes Zoppi; «The managers will be identified. It always remains that terrible certainty: The network is not “educable” if not from those who use it. It depends only on us and the ability to meet and understand each other beyond the screens that seem to unite us, but which often increase the distances between our conduct and the emotions that produce our choices in real life “.