Don Renato Mazzuia.
by Mariano Montagnin
In these days at the Lido of Venice there is a warm sun. Annates spring. He pulls some wind, perhaps brought, through the sea, from the distant Venezuela, news of Alberto Trentini. Instead for months, from November 15, nothing is known about the Venetian cooperative of the French NGO Humanity & Inclusion. The only certain information is that he is alive and detained in a Venezuela secret service prison: Arrested on November 15, after having arrived in Venezuela in October.
The Lido, a narrow language of land that divides the lagoon from the sea, a wonderful beach, six parishes: Santa Maria Elisabetta, San Nicolò, Sant’Antonio, Sant’Ignazio, SM Assunta di Malamocco and Smdella health of Alberoni, 15 thousand inhabitants, has been apprehensive for this 45 -year -old cooperant for more than a month. A man who tried to bring relief to disabled people in a complicated land, in Guasduolito, on the border between Venezuela and Colombia.
«We pray, of course. We use all the liturgical moments. The prayer of the Sunday faithful always has a space for him, “he says Don Renato Mazzuiaparish priest in Sant’Antonio di Padova at the Lido of Venice ». Four -thousand souls who join in prayer with the other churches of the Lido. In the nearby church of Santa Maria Elisabetta, in front of the Vaporetti house that arrive from Venice, there is the banner that asks for freedom for Alberto. «The parents live in front of the Church. The churchyard, the square are the places of his childhood. Mom Armanda and Dad Ezio we have always seen them for religious functions. There is Alberto’s group of friends who organize mobilization. The torchlight procession for his liberation took place here, in front of the church. Now they are collecting the signatures and our Lent has begun with what they called “relay fasting” ».
Don Renato is worried about the parents, ultraottanenteni, who have this only child and today must manage all these relationships: the government, the NGO, the media pressure. “After the Eucharist, there is always someone who stops talking to them, we do everything possible to support them.” Groups of young adults, the children of the catechism, the animators are involved. “We willingly join,” said the Patriarch, Monsignor Francesco Moraglia“To this fasting marathon: it is an anthropological sign that says the value of life, which goes beyond and beyond nourishment. Jesus who fasting in the desert is Jesus who gives his life for others. Alberto, we hope to be able to embrace you soon with your family ».
The Humanity & Inclusion NGO, which in Venezuela has 15 co -workers, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. Trentini is a prepared and experienced man. After graduating in History from Ca ‘Foscari, he obtained a master’s degree in Science and Engineering of Water, Hygiene and Health at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom) and a professional diploma in humanitarian assistance in Liverpool. He worked in Latin America, Ethiopia, Nepal, Greece, Colombia, Lebanon.
The elections in Venezuela, who confirmed Nicolás Maduro, have been contested by many governments, also by Italy. From the Prime Minister and the Foreign Ministry comes the confirmation that every effort is made for Alberto’s return, but so far Italy has not achieved anything. The Sir news agency reports a CPI003 flight, it seems used by the Italian secret services, landed in Caracas on January 30th, has returned without any concrete result.
Trentini should find himself in the Town Hall of Guasduolito, in the state of apure, on the border with Colombia, near a dangerous area, Arauca. The relations between Venezuela and Colombia, between President Maduro and President Petro, have ups and downs. Colombia has managed to obtain the liberation of two Colombian citizens, but in all there are still 21 Colombian citizens accused of terrorism and of being mercenaries, in situations of detention similar to the case of Trentino.
Carlos de la Torre, representative in Colombia for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Colombian President Gustavo Petro, in reference to the Colombians arrested in Venezuela, speak of “forced disappearances”. Gabriella Citroni, president of the working group on the forced disappearance of the United Nations, deals with these cases. The United States have complicated relationships with Venezuela, but with the correspondent Richard Gnelell have obtained the liberation of six American “mercenaries”.
In Venezuela there are serious clashes in the catatumbo, more than 80 deaths and 45 thousand displaced people, in the north-east of Colombia. A letter from the General of the Company of Jesus, Father Arturo Sosa, Venezuelan, asks for the liberation of Carlos Correa, defender of human rights, president of the Publico NGO Espacio. A confidential source states that in Venezuela “to defend national sovereignty, any person with foreign citizenship, be a tourist, an entrepreneur or a humanitarian operator, if it spreads on social networks, such as Facebook or WhatsApp, messages against the government, is considered” suspicious “, worthy of suspicion”. Tique Chaves, another cooperative, always arrested in Guasduolito, has been defined by Diosdado Cabello, a strong man of the Venezuelan government, thanks to “a great conspiracy against Venezuela”. In this context solidarity, diplomacy, prayer seem the best weapons, braking the heart anxiously for those who are victims of constraints, deprivations and suffering. The cry of the mother remains strong and tall: “Alberto you have to take him home”.
To participate in the fasting relay, simply fill in the form on the website. To ask for the liberation of the cooperative also with the “Alberto Wall of Hope” initiative, launched on the site The petition on the site also proceeds, which exceeded 77 thousand signatures.