To slip into all your recipes for lasting weight loss.
A new chapter begins. Between the month of January without alcohol and sports resolutions, the start of the year is often THE time to do good. The most common challenge? Lose a few pounds on the scale. To help you, we have found a particularly effective food.
The latter comes directly from Southeast Asia. Before revealing its name, let us introduce you to its benefits: rich in fiber, it acts as a powerful appetite suppressant, thus reducing cravings and snacking desires. In addition to this, it contains vitamin A, which protects the skin from external aggressions and preserves vision, as well as vitamin C, which stimulates the production of white blood cells. Result: your immune system is strengthened (which is quite useful with the flu that is hanging around at the moment). Purple in color on the inside, the food in question has a funny name, ube. It is also called purple yam or purple sweet potato.
Taste-wise, its flavor is both sweet and earthy. Want to test? You can cook it in several ways: as a gratin or puree, but also as ice cream or jam. Clearly, this purple sweet potato wears many hats!
It is not always easy to find ube in supermarkets in France. If you want to replace it, you can opt for classic sweet potato. The differences lie in the texture after cooking (ube is creamy and elastic, while sweet potato is smooth and tender), as well as in the calorie content: ube contains around 140 calories per 100 grams, while sweet potato contains around 86 calories for the same quantity. Otherwise, we wish you a good appetite!