While the faithful from all over the world tighten in prayer for the Pope’s health, Francesco, from the hospital, continues his work of government of the Church and this is a sign that bodes well for the continuation of the hospitalization, even if the prognosis It remains reserved and the general situation still critical.
Tuesday was published on Message for Lentwhich begins on March 5th with Ash Wednesday. In the message, which reports the date of February 6, before hospitalization, the Pope recalls that “death has been transformed into victory and here is the faith and the great hope of Christians: in the resurrection of Christ”. Another sign of the conditions in improvement of the pontiff are the visits that he received on the tenth Plan of Gemelli. On Monday, as reported by the press room bulletin, he met Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and the substitute Monsignor Edgar Pena Parra, For some decrees concerning blessed and saints. It is an unprecedented decision because normally to subject the decrees of the saints to the Pope is the cardinal titled of the Dicastery of the saints, currently Marcello Semeraro. It is therefore likely that the Pope has spoken with the major exponents of the Secretariat of State also of other issues.
The Pope also decided to change the fundamental law of the State of the Vatican City, of 13 May 2023, and law no. CCLXXIV on the government of the State of the Vatican City of 25 November 2018, and has appointed, with effect from 1 March 2025, General secretaries of the Governorate of the State of the Vatican City: Monsignor Emilio Nappa, So far adding the Dicastery for evangelization, in the section for the first evangelization and the new particular churches, and president of the pontifical missionary works; The lawyer Giuseppe Puglisi-Alibrandiso far deputy secretary general of the Governorate. At the same time Pope Francis attributed to SUor Raffaella Petrini, From 1 March 2025 President of the Pontifical Commission for the State of the Vatican City and President of the Governorate of the same State, “the power to order and confer, suitably, to the supermented general secretaries specific skills or particular tasks”.
In addition to the two new appointments to the Governorate, and the change of the rules to allow you to have full powers to Sister Raffaella Petrini, which is not a cardinal how all the previous presidents of the administrative arm of the Holy See were, in the Tuesday bulletin there are also others Appointments of the Pope: The renunciation of the auxiliary bishop of São Sebastião Do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); the renunciation and appointment of the metropolitan archbishop of Vancouver (Canada); the renunciation and appointment of the Bishop of ItaPininga (Brazil); the appointment of the Bishop of Itabuna (Brazil); the appointment of auxiliary bishops of São sebastião do rio de janeiro (Brazil). Finally, Pope Francis has decided that he will convene a consistory, the date is still to be established, for the canonization of two blessed: the “doctor of the poor”, Venezuelan Giuseppe Gregorio Hernández Cisnerosborn in IsnoTu (Venezuela) on October 26, 1864 and died in Caracas on 29 June 1919 and the Blessed Bartolo Longo, linked to the devotion of the Madonna del Rosario di Pompeii where he died in 1926.
In the decrees that Francesco has authorized to promulgate there are two other very popular and loved figures. The first is that of Except for purchaseyoung Neapolitan carabiniere, born in 1920, who at 18 enters the carabinieri weapon. Between ’40 and ’42 he is sent to Libya where he frankly demonstrates his beliefs both for moral righteousness and for the gestures with which he accompanies it, the sign of the cross in public or the recitation of the Rosary. Becoming deputy abbigader he is destined for Torrimpietra station. After the armistice of 8 September 1943, on September 22 a Nazi department – now an enemy in Italian land – arrives at the Torre di Palidoro, located in the territory of the barracks. Some soldiers identify and forget about the cassettes containing bombs, causing an explosion that kills a military and hurts two more. The commander suspected of an attack and arrests Salvo d’Acquisto who, due to the absence of his superior, at that time he commands the Carabinieri station. The deputy abbigader explains on several occasions that it was a tragic accident, but the Nazis decide for a retaliation and rake 22 people, force them to dig a large pit and are preparing to shoot them when except for purchase self -accused as the only person responsible for the ‘happened, offering itself in exchange for the liberation of all the others. The 23 -year -old carabiniere is instantly shot while the hostages manage to save their lives.
A decision was recognized in the decree that defines as “venerable” except for purchase, not dictated by “a simple act of civic solidarity and secular philanthropy”, but inserted “in a lifestyle consciously and consistently Christian”.
The second figure is that of Emilio Giuseppe Kapaun, American of Kansas where he was born in 1916 in a very religious family of Bohema origin. In him he matures his vocation to the priesthood, he studied in the seminary and in ’41, after the entry into the war of the United States of America, he enlisted as a military chaplain. In 1944 he was sent to the Indo-Merma region, therefore, at the outbreak of the conflict in Korea, Emilio landed there with his military unit. During the battle of Unsan, on 1 November 1950, near the border with North Korea, the chaplain refuses to get on the run and remains in the battle area to be able to help the injured. Captured he is interned in the pyokton field, where he carries out the work of the apostolate among the suffering and deprivations of 3,500 other prisoners. The lack of food and clothes and some physical problems induced by the precariousness of imprisonment weaken him until, the week after Easter of ’51 he collapsed on the ground and Chinese jailers, who took over from the Koreans in the field control, send him to the “house of death” , a structure in which prisoners are left without water, food and care and where the servant of God, now “venerable”, turns off on May 23, 1951.
In the decrees recognized the heroic virtues of three new venerable. The Spaniard Michele Maura Montaner, Born in 1843, born and died in 1915 in Palma di Mallorca, diocesan priest and founder of the Congregación de las Hermanas Celadoras of the Eucharistic worship. Tireless preacher of popular missions, also founded the newspaper El áncora To deal with atheism, a choice that the persecutions of the regime of the time. It is spent on the formation of priests and in the workers’ apostolate. Contemporary to him is another diocesan priest, the Italian Didaco BessI, founder of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Santa Maria del Rosario, born and lived in Iolo between 1856 and 1919. His pastoral style has as a pillar the care of families, human promotion and education. It is mainly aimed at girls who were not sent to school and from an early age required to intertwine the straw for the packaging of hats. The school for poor girls is one of her first commitments, inspired by a very modern vision for which to instruct does not mean simple transmission of information, but helping young people to reach a human and spiritual fullness.
With them there is also the Laica Polish Cunegonda Siwiec Born and lived between 1876 and 1955 in Stryszawa – Siwcówka, who at 20 years old – with a wedding in sight – decides to give himself to God, adhering later on the Carmelite order and putting energy in various forms of apostolate. It offers a land inherited to build a pedagogical-educational center for young people and adults, in essence a regular school of what she, girl without the possibility of studying, had not been able to attend. Very devoted to the Eucharist “Kundusia”, as it is familiarly called, begins to warn particularly after the communion of the “inner phrases”, revelations by Jesus, the Madonna and the Saints that she in 1942 confides to her confessor, who transcribes it the messages until the death of the venerable future. With the health that gradually worsens Kundusia decides to offer his life for the repair of sins and quickly becomes a spiritual reference point for many people.