Berberine is a kind of “super ingredient” in traditional Asian medicine.
There berberine is a natural substance available in certain plants. It’s a kind of “super ingredient” of the traditional asian medicinestill little used in Europe. It would help maintain normal blood sugar levels, have a antimicrobial activity…What are his others benefits ? For to lose weight ? How to take it? What precautions job? Side effects ? Interactions medicinal? Discovery with Mathilde Sézérat, doctor of pharmacy and specialist in phyto-aromatherapy.
Definition: what is berberine?
Berberine is a phyto-active molecule of natural origin which belongs to the family of alkaloids. She can be natural (extracted from plants) or synthetic (chemically manufactured). “It is found in certain plants, such astree of the genus berberiswhich has between 450 and 500 different species, hence the importance of paying attention to its origin. Each species does not provide berberine and its concentration depends on the part of the tree from which it is extractedshe is less focused in the fruit and leaves and more concentrated in roots, stems and bark” explains Mathilde Sézérat, doctor of pharmacy. “In France, neither ANSES nor HAS has defined a “minimum active daily dose”. According to Belgium, on which France relies, it is from 10 milligrams per day that berberine exhibits pharmacological activity” adds our expert.
What are the health benefits of berberine?
Berberine offers many health benefits. It can help maintain a good blood sugar levelwhich may be interesting as a complement to antidiabetic treatment in people with diabetes type 2. Please note, berberine cannot replace traditional antidiabetic treatment. It will be used in addition to the treatment after consulting the doctor. “She is also known for her antimicrobial and antiparasitic activitywhich makes it an effective remedy against gastrointestinal infections (infectious diarrhea, diarrhea acute and the towards intestinal)” indicates Mathilde Sézézat. In addition, berberine could help control cholesterol level, help lower blood pressure (this is a hypotensive) and heart rhythm disturbances (anti-arrhythmic). “She also has a vasodilator effect, that is to say, it dilates the blood vessels (arteries, veins) and allows the blood to circulate better, continues our interlocutor. Berberine may have beneficial effects on the central nervous system such as anticonvulsant, antidepressant and analgesic but there is no no scientific evidence” warns the pharmacy doctor.
Does berberine make you lose weight?
Berberine affects blood sugar levels by reducing it, which can help curb cravings. “But it is not a molecule that will make you lose weight as such. She can accompany a slimming diet or participate in work against his sugar addiction. I then propose a molecule which affects sugar levels such as berberine, a diuretic plant and a plant against stress. in treatment of 1 month with a break of 1 week and a resumption 3 times in a row” explains our expert.
What are the dangers and side effects of berberine?
Berberine can cause fatigue, digestive problems, headaches and liver damage. Furthermore, it is contraindicated in:
- people who make hypertension and who have a cardiovascular history (heart attack, stroke, etc.)
- type 1 diabetics
- pregnant and lactating women
- children under 18
- people who have liver problems
With which medications should you not take berberine?
There are numerous drug interactions with berberine:
- diabetic medications
- most medications for hypertension
- blood thinners
- medicines for blood cancer, anti-cancer
- antidepressants
What alternatives to berberine?
“Robert’s Herb Geranium (Geranium robertianum), agrimony, olive tree and artichoke can replace berberine” suggests our interlocutor.
How to choose your berberine supplement?
“It is always necessary check the composition, traceability. We favor organic and a European provenance. Ultimately, the more detailed the label, the more you can trust the product” underlines our expert.
Thanks to Mathilde Sézérat, doctor of pharmacy, graduate in phytoaromatherapy and founder of Herbathera.