Iodine tablets will be distributed in Brittany and Var in January 2025.
For fear of a nuclear accidentof the iodine tablets (potassium iodide) may be distributed to populations at risk of exposure for protect from irradiation. Distributions will take place in January 2025 in Brittany according to Le Télégramme and in Var according to Var-Matin. This is for preventive purposes and “in no way an increase in nuclear risk” reassures the Var Prefecture. “Special intervention plans” (PPI) for Finistère and Var will be expanded. These are areas located near sites with nuclear installations (such as the Brest naval base for example). What is iodine used for in the event of a nuclear accident? Against radioactivity? What are the risks if you are exposed to radioactive iodine? Can we buy them freely? In a pharmacy? Without a prescription?
Why take iodine in the event of a nuclear attack?
In the event of a nuclear accident,radioactive iodine can be released and can then find oneself in the bodyvia the respiratory tract (by inhalation) or following the ingestion of contaminated liquids or food. However, the thyroid gland (located on the front of the neck) is capable of store iodine until saturation. If this gland fixes radioactive iodine, there is a increased risk of cancer of the thyroid. This is why in the event of a nuclear accident, and if radioactive iodine is released, the authorities may recommend take stable (non-radioactive) iodine, available in tablet form of potassium iodide, in order to protect the thyroid from irradiation. Thus, this allows the thyroid to be saturated with stable iodine (via a dose of approximately 1000 times that needed by the body daily) and consequently avoids the absorption of radioactive iodine. However, during a nuclear accident, different radioactive materials can be released. Stable iodine is therefore only useful in the event of release of radioactive iodine, and stable iodine tablets do not offer no protection against other radioactive substances. Finally, iodine tablets should only be taken on the express recommendation of the competent authorities because the tablets ingested are not effective only for a period of time of approximately 24h and with optimal effect after 2 hours. It is therefore no need to take iodine tablets for prevention, consuming it without instructions being given by the authorities may, on the contrary, expose you to health risks. At the same time, the recommendation to take shelter remains the most effective solution and takes precedence over taking iodine.
Where to buy iodine tablets?
Stable iodine tablets dosed at 65 mg are manufactured by the Central Army Pharmacy. In France, stable iodine can be distributed free of charge by the competent authorities (example: by post) or by pharmacies, only for populations exposed to nuclear risk that’s to say located within a radius of 20 km around a nuclear power plant. The delivery of these iodine tablets being regulated, it can only be done on presentation of proof of address or a collection voucher received from the authorities. Stocks are limited and not all pharmacies have them at all times. For the population not affected by this regulatory procedure, it is nevertheless possible to obtain iodine tablets from pharmacies with sufficient stock and by paying for them. Note that to face a possible serious nuclear accident, the State has sufficient reserves to supply the entire population. In any case, it is the prefect who gives the instruction to take iodineby all existing means allowing information to be disseminated (firefighter/police loudspeakers, sirens, television, radio, etc.).
Can you buy iodine tablets in pharmacies?
Only people living within a 20 km radius around nuclear power plants can in principle collect iodine tablets from pharmacies, during distribution campaigns organized by the authorities or when they move into the municipality concerned, this under the responsibility of the prefects. Stocks are in fact quotas and reserved as a priority for this population at risk. However, if supplies allow (orders via wholesalers), it is possible to purchase iodine tablets freely from pharmacies that have them.
Are iodine tablets available without a prescription?
Potassium iodide is an unlisted medicine that therefore does not require a medical prescription to be delivered. In France and for people or establishments located within a 20 km radius around a nuclear power plant, boxes of stable iodine are provided free of charge and without a prescription by pharmacies in the sectors concerned, upon simple presentation of proof of address and/or or by filling out a withdrawal form. For others people (not affected by a nuclear risk particular), it is possible to obtain these tablets in pharmacies without a prescription, depending on available stocks and in them paying.
What are the effects of iodine on the body?
Stable iodine is a natural trace element absolutely necessary for our health. It is part of the composition of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, after fixation of inhaled or ingested iodine on the latter. The hormones produced are secreted by the thyroid into the bloodstream and act on the metabolism of different organs. They play a vital role, particularly in growth and development. To function, the thyroid needs a small quantity of natural iodine (on average 150 micrograms per day) which comes mainly from food, but also in a smaller proportion from the air we breathe (especially present in maritime regions). In case of excess in the body, iodine is quickly excreted through the urine.
Saturated with stable iodine, the thyroid gland is unable to fix radioactive iodine.
What is the effect of iodine against radioactivity?
Stable iodine (potassium iodide) tablets protect the thyroid gland against radioactive contamination. A serious event such as an accident or nuclear attack can result in the release of radioactive iodine into the atmosphere. Inhaled or ingested, this radioelement causes irradiation of the exposed population, putting them at significant risk of thyroid cancer. This is why to prevent the thyroid from fixing radioactive iodine, taking stable iodine in tablets and in large quantities (example: 2 tablets of 65 mg for an adult) constitutes an effective means of prevention. Saturated with stable iodine, the thyroid gland is in fact unable to fix radioactive iodine, which protects individuals from possible thyroid cancer. Of the tablets containing stable iodine are distributed preventively to populations living near nuclear installations. Stable iodine, however, does not offer any protection against other radioactive elements that may be released during an accident or nuclear attack.
What are the dangers of iodine tablets?
Iodine tablets may cause some side effects like a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting, stomach aches, diarrhea, skin rashes, restlessness and even heart palpitations. In rare cases, ingestion of potassium iodide tablets may cause thyroid problems such as hyperthyroidism manifested by a increased heart rate, sweating, anxiety, insomnia, tremors, or significant weight loss. These side effects are usually transient and without seriousness, and they disappear spontaneously once the iodine is eliminated by the body. If the problem persists or if the condition worsens, it is imperative to consult a doctor. In some exceptional cases, the absorption of iodine can lead to hypersensitivity reactions (redness, edema, neck pain, tear discharge, chills, swelling of the salivary glands, fever).
As a reminder, in the event of a nuclear alert:
What is the price of iodine tablets in pharmacies?
The price of potassium iodide is included between 3.80 euros and 5 euros depending on the points of sale.
Are there any contraindications to taking iodine?
Contraindications to taking iodine tablets are exceptional. The risk of hypersensitivity reaction being relatively low, it does not constitute a strict contraindication to taking iodine tablets if necessary. A person allergic to iodine or with a thyroid pathology can, however, seek advice from their doctor as a precaution, the risk linked to taking stable iodine tablets being assessed on a case-by-case basis.