«De Gasperi exercised politics with a sense of justice and righteousness. He never sought power for personal interest, but intended it as a service to the nation. His attention to the weakest and his commitment to the common good demonstrate how Christian charity was not an abstract principle for him, but a concrete virtue to embody in political life “. Cardinal Baldassare Reina, in closing the diocesan phase of the trial for the canonization of the Christian Democrat statesman hopes that “the Church wants to recognize the heroicity of the virtues of Alcide De Gasperi. In a historical moment in which the need for credible and consistent leaders is felt, the figure of the servant of God De Gasperi emerges as a current model, capable of offering valid teachings for people engaged in politics and social. His spiritual and political legacy continues to be a lighthouse for future generations, showing that integrity, dedication and sense of duty can leave an indelible mark in the history of a country “.
The diocesan investigation had initially started at the ecclesiastical court of the Archdiocese of Trento. Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the dicastery of the causes of the saints, after obtaining the assent of both the archbishop of Trento, and of the Cardinal Vicar of the Holy Father for the diocese of Rome, transmitted the Rescript, granting the transfer of the competence of the Forum to the diocese of Rome. Now the postulator of the cause, Paolo Vilotta will transmit the procedural documents to the same dicastery of the causes of the saints.
“Born on April 3, 1881 in Pieve Tesino, in a Trentino still under Austro-Hungarian domination”, recalled Cardinal Reina, “Alcide De Gasperi grew in a bilingual cultural context, which influenced his training and international opening. After graduating in modern philology from the University of Vienna, the young De Gasperi devoted himself to journalistic and political activity, collaborating with the newspaper “Il Trentino”, working in the defense of the interests of the Italian community within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1911 he was elected deputy to the Parliament of Vienna, where he distinguished himself for his battles in favor of the administrative and cultural autonomy of Trentino. With the end of the First World War and the annexation of his land to Italy, De Gasperi found himself having to redefine his political role within a new national context, with the Italian People’s Party and was beating for the recognition of the political participation of Catholics and for a vision of the state based on pluralism and social justice. With the advent of fascism, the popular party was dissolved and De Gasperi was persecuted by the regime. Arrested in 1927 and sentenced to four years of imprisonment, he was then pardoned, but lived for years in conditions of economic precariousness, finding refuge in the Vatican Apostolic Library. During this period, he refined his political and social reflections, laying the foundations for the rebirth of political Catholicism in the second post -war period. After the fall of fascism, it became one of the main protagonists of the foundation of Christian Democracy, a party that would have guided Italy for decades. In 1945 he was appointed president of the Council of Ministers and led the country in the crucial years of the reconstruction and start of the democratic process. During its government, Italy joined the Marshall plan; He entered the nascent European institutions and consolidated the democratic system, laying the foundations for the economic boom of the following years “.
Today, underlined the purple, “in a context of crisis of politics and institutions, his example offers important ideas for the contemporary debate. One of the most relevant aspects of its political action is the construction of united Europe. De Gasperi was among the first to understand that cooperation between European states was the key to guaranteeing peace and stability. His contribution to the European project is now more current than ever, in a historical moment in which European integration faces complex challenges and in which the risk of fragmentation is always present. His idea of politics based on dialogue between the different social and political forces also remains a model of reference. In an era marked by polarization and populism, De Gasperi’s method, based on the constructive confrontation and on the search for shared solutions, appears as a necessary approach to reconstruct trust in the institutions “.
And he still stressed that “the servant of God is remembered not only as a great statesman, but above all as a man of profound faith in God and moral righteousness. His life has been marked by difficulties and evidence, but has always faced every obstacle with a spirit of service and a Christian vision of the common good; He has never lost confidence in divine Providence and determination to pursue justice. His political commitment was not moved by personal ambitions, but by a sincere vocation to serve the neighbor, so much so that his action has been defined as prophetic, priestly and royal “in the mission of building a better future for society. The figure of the servant of God continues to be of extraordinary topical: his contribution to the construction of Italian democracy, his role in European integration and his model of political leadership offer food for thought to face the challenges of the present. In a context of crisis of political representation, his example invites to rediscover the value of the public service, competence and responsibility. His thought and political action do not belong only to history, but constitute a resource for the future, a point of reference for anyone who wants to commit themselves for the common good with seriousness and dedication. Those who have known him directly describes him as a humble and reserved man, but capable of transmitting a profound spirituality with the example of life ».