A moment of the day of spirituality with some young people who testified their experience.
It was held on March 22 at the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Rome, next to the Gemelli Polyclinic where in recent weeks Pope Francis has been hospitalized, a day of spirituality dedicated to the figure of Carlo Casini, who died in Rome 5 years ago, on March 23, 2020. “On the way with Carlo Casini witness of hope” The title of the day, inaugurated by his daughter Marina, current president of the Movement for Life, which explained the inspiration of the event, the same that guided Casini’s work: “Whatever you have done to every brother of mine you would have done it to me” (Matteo 25.40). Looking at the other always as a gift, starting from the smallest, the conceived, to which full human dignity must be recognized, under penalty of betraying the man tout court.
The day was coordinated by Giovanna Abbagnara, daily of Yes to lifeAnd Francesco everybene, editor Happenwho underlined the characteristic of Visionary of Casini in the introduction, that is, man who knew how to see further and who thus inspired many people. Don Paolo Boninispiritual assistant of Cattolica, he told from his former student that his attention was always turned to the human person in all its dimensions. He taught the prodromes of the human That, if neglected, make the risk of inhumanize society run. A magisterium exercised above all in Europe as a parliamentarian who applies as a warning and warning in a time when our continent seems to be betraying his original vocation to the protection of human rights with the latest decisions regarding rearmament.
After reading the greeting message of Cardinal Matteo Zuppifather Maurizio Faggioni Of the Dicastery of the causes of Saints, he described the spiritual profile of Casini, as of man who responded to the call of God in a unique way, as he is called to do every man. Virile man, but delicate like a father. And above all person joyfulwho helped many, with the help of prayer, to grow the kingdom of God starting from the human, political and civil commitment of many years. A lay person, With the family vocation to which he was faithful to the sacrifice, which brought to the world a sigh of heaven, a sort of “ulteriority of gaze”. A man who has always sought from a young man spiritual advice who have made him a Christian heart, viscerally linked to Christ, and a rare human delicacy. “Without Christ, nothing can be done,” He often said, adding that “every human effort is useless without prayer”. A faith, therefore, extroflex, founded in Christ but rooted in the world, which inspired the rational and right motivations to defend every life. A joyful man for his faith, motive for hope.
On the time of his illness they offered their testimony Don Nunzio Curraochaplain of the Gemini who brought him the Eucharist every day, the doctor Giada Scarlet Cannizzarowho followed him from a medical point of view, and Don Stefano Stimamigliodirector of Christian familywho met him sometimes during his illness and who wrote a biography with his daughter (Carlo Casini. Private history of a witness of our time).
A section of the conference was also dedicated to the testimonies of some young people, to whom Carlo Casini, “Young with young people”, He has dedicated a lot of time and energy. Davide Robinesi, Camilla Galuppi And Arturo Buongiovanni. Finally, the many testimonies on their life, including that of the Cardinal Giovanni Battista Reof the spouses FrisoOf Carlo Mocellin, Pine boredom, Paola Binetti And Luisa Santolini.
Finally, the announcement of the birth of the International Cathedra Carlo Casinian inter -university training program on the figure and message of Carlo Casini.