Pneumococcus is a bacteria responsible for otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, even septicemia or meningitis. The vaccine allows you to protect itself from it.
Pneumococcal infections are particularly serious for children under the age of 5, adults immunocompromised or suffering from chronic disease, but also adults over 65. It is also the leading cause of invasive infections (meningitis, bacteremia) in adults in France, representing 40 % of these infections and one of the main factors of bacterial infection of the flu. To protect themselves from it, several vaccines exist.
Is it mandatory in children?
In France, vaccination against pneumococcus is compulsory from the age of 2 months in all infants born since January 1, 2018. “These are infections that occur in toddlers and which can be serious so they must be vaccinated as soon as possible“, Adds the specialist. Vaccination against invasive pneumococcal infections is therefore compulsory with 3 doses of vaccine at the age of 2, 4 and 11 months (vaccines 13-valent or 15-valent). For premature children and Infants at risk of invasive pneumococcal infections, the vaccination calendar provides for an additional dose at the age of 3 months.
Is it compulsory in adults?
In 2023, faced with the increase in the incidence rate of invasive pneumococcal infections, the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommended the vaccination of adults at risk of severe form from 18 years old with a dose of the conjugate pneumococcal vaccine 20-Valent (that is to say against 20 pneumococcal serotypes) called prevenar-20. These are for example immunocompromised people, suffering from a heart disease (heart failure …), chronic respiratory insufficiency, COPD, emphysema, asthma, renal failure , chronic liver disease, diabetes, sickle cell anemia …
Vaccinal diagram for adults aged 18 to 64, at high risk of pneumococcal infection:
- People not previously vaccinated: Pneumococcal primovaccination by a single dose of prevenar 20 vaccine.
- Persons having previously received only one dose of Prevenar 13 or Pneumovax: a dose of Prevenar 20, if the previous vaccination dates back more than a year.
- People already vaccinated with the prevenar 13-Pneumovax sequence: a dose of prevenar 20 after a minimum period of 5 years after the previous injection of pneumovax.
In January 2025, the HAS broaden its vaccination strategy and recommends vaccination against pneumococcus with the prevenar-20 vaccine To all people aged 65 and over, and no longer just people aged 65 and over with comorbidities. It is not compulsory but recommended in the people mentioned above.
Vaccinal diagram for adults aged 65 and over:
- People aged 65 not previously vaccinated against pneumococcus will be offered the administration of a dose of prevenar 20 vaccine, no higher age limit being fixed.
- People who have received a single dose of pneumovax or prevenar 13 will receive a single dose of Prevenar 20 if the previous vaccination dates back more than 1 year;
- People already vaccinated with the recommended sequence previously (Prevenar 13 – Pneumovax), or even in mistake with a Pneumovax sequence – Prevenar 13, may receive a unique injection of Prevenar 20 while respecting a minimum delay of five years after the previous injection of pneumovax.
The Prevenar 20 vaccine can be coadminized with vaccines against seasonal flu and COVID 19
What are the vaccines available in France?
There are four types of pneumococcal vaccine (inactivated vaccines):
- VPC13: Pneumococcal vaccine 13-Valent (Prevenar 13®): it can be used from the age of 2 months.
- VPC15: Pneumococcal vaccine 15-Valent (Vaxneuvance®): it can be used from the age of 2 months
- VPC20: 20-Valent pneumococcal vaccine (Prevenar20®): it can be used in adults at risk, from 18 years old.
- VPP23: Pneumococcal vaccine 23-Valent (Pneumovax®): it can be used in children from the age of 2 years
Why get vaccinated against pneumococcus?
“”The pneumococcal vaccine is used to protect against pneumococcal infections which are essentially pulmonary infections such as pneumonia as well as meningitis, that is to say infections of meninges, envelopes surrounding the brain “explains Dr. Valérie Delbos, doctor specializing in infectious and tropical diseases and internal medicine at the Angers University Hospital. These infections more often affect young children, the elderly and those with chronic diseases. The mortality of invasive infections (pneumonia, meningitis) varies from 10% to 30% depending on studies. The consequences of pneumococcal meningitis (deafness, disability) occur in approximately a third of the cases.
What are the possible side effects after this vaccine?
The pneumococcal vaccine is likely to cause the same undesirable effects as most vaccines, namely a reaction to the injection site such as pain, redness, swelling, general effects such as fever, muscle or joint pain , or an allergic reaction.
Price and refund
Name commercial |
Price (fee included in town pharmacy) | Refund |
Prevenar 13® |
49.84 euros | Supported 65% by health insurance (the remaining amount is generally reimbursed by complementary health (mutuals). |
Pneumovax® |
18.67 euros | Supported 65% by health insurance (the remaining amount is generally reimbursed by complementary health (mutuals). |
Vaxneuvance® |
49.84 euros | Supported 65% by health insurance (the remaining amount is generally reimbursed by complementary health (mutuals). |
Prevenar 20® |
59.26 euros | Supported 65% by health insurance (the remaining amount is generally reimbursed by complementary health (mutuals). |