Tatiana Silva, who has just become a mom, has long believed that she could never find love. What do we know about the privacy of the TF1 weather presenter?
Tatiana Silva has just given birth to her first child this January 26, a few days before celebrating her 40th anniversary. But did the Miss Météo unveil the identity of her baby’s father? Here is what we know about the private life of the Belgian who makes the rain and the good weather on TF1…
Tatiana Silva, her couple with Stromae: “We lived …“”
The one that was crowned Miss Belgium in 2005 experienced a romance with a famous compatriot, Stromae! The singer was his companion for almost two years until September 2012. “We have experienced a wonderful story. Stromae is a beautiful person and our exchanges have been incomparable“, she told Paris Matchwithout pouring out on the subject.
It must be said that the weather presenter, who had also been in a relationship with the Belgian humorist Guillermo Guiz, now wants to keep her garden secret. “”I try to keep my life as private as possible. Intimacy is something very different according to which we are. I do not reveal the identity of my companion out of modesty and awareness of the fragility, the impermanence of life“She said in her book It all starts with oneself.
Tatiana Silva, mom: what do we know about her child’s father?
For some time, Tatiana Silva feared not having children and even considering the option of having recourse to a sperm bank: “At that time, the rotating biological clock, friends becoming mothers, I was in full questioning. It is so painful to say that this desire for maternity could never be realized that to lighten the suffering we say to ourselves: ‘Too bad, I will do it against everything“.
However, the Miss Météo also wanted to find love, which was raised by divorced parents. “”I want to build what my parents have deconstructed. I wish to experience what I have not known“She explained. But now a mother for the first time of a little boy named June, Tatiana Silva assured to Paris Match that she was well in a relationship: “I do not give information on whom he is, what he does, where he lives. But there are for those who are worried. I am generous in what I share but I keep secret gardens“.
The one who is romantic in the soul but learned to make a cross on the image of the perfect couple that she imagined would also like to write a book on this theme: “It is a great subject that still animates my life. I would really like to write it but it is not on the agenda. I promised my baby to devote myself to him. He finally agreed to come, it is necessary to give him this space“.