He wanted to make money and be successful, he wanted to make a name in the neighborhood and that everyone had respect for him. For this he started to rob, but the fourth had to stop: they had arrested his accomplice. And soon they also came to him. He was not even eighteen and he was already in prison, his way seemed marked: it was a criminal, one without hope. Instead, everything changed: first the prison, then the meeting with a priest. Many questions, a profound reflection, a slow change. Degree, the work, the redemption.
This is the story of a boy who had been lost and then he found himself. It is the story of a rebirth, of a maturation sprouted where few would still have planted seeds. This is the story of Daniel Zaccaro, a man who as a teenager has committed crimes, but who today works as an educator in a community for minors, boys who just like they lost their way.
The book that tells its story is titled I was a bully (published by De Agostini). “In truth the title is wrong,” explains Daniel, “I have never been a bully, indeed I was fine at school. I did not target companions, if anything I had a bold and provocative attitude with adults ». Today, who is 32 years old, a girlfriend, a house, a degree, a job, reconstructs his path with awareness.
“I grew up in Quarto Oggiaro, a district on the outskirts of Milan, in a context of public housing”, tells. Dad owner of a self -demolition, mother occupied in occasional chores in the homes of others, a older sister. «The climate in the family was tense, my parents always argued and when I was eight they divorced. For a child, growing up in a context where there is no serenity is not easy “…
Read the full interview with Daniel Zaccaro on the number of believing in distribution in newsstands and religious bookstores from Thursday 30 January and in the parishes from Saturday 1 February. Or buy a digital copy www.edicolasanpaolo.it/scada/credere.aspx
(Image at the top: photo Isabella de Maddalena/Press Office)