They are still quite oily …
Equipped with excellent nutritional properties, oilseeds or hull fruits are considered “health” foods and are often recommended for cardiovascular health, mental health, skin, intestines or digestion. One of them is particularly appreciated when the sunny days come back, picked during the aperitif, mixed in a sauce or dotted on a salad. We have named cashew nuts, an interesting nut because it is rich in potassium, magnesium, zinc, fiber, iron and protein. It satisfies and brings an energy boost. But since it is relatively oily, one wonders if it is not bad when you have cholesterol.
In reality, like all nuts, cashew nuts is pretty good for cholesterol because it contains good quality fatty acids, including mono-insaturated fatty acids (omega 3), answers Audrey Vergès, naturopath. These fatty acids are recognized for their anti-inflammatory action, which contributes to reducing fatty deposits in the arteries. In addition, they promote the decrease in blood pressure, which is beneficial for the heart. But that is only worth it if we eat reasonably.
“”If we love it and we cannot limit ourselves to a small handle, this nut is not the best because it is quite rich in omegas 6, polyunsaturated fatty acids which will, unlike omega 3, be inflammatory. Inflammations will tend to increase LDL cholesterol, ultimately creating metabolic problems“Explains the expert. The cardioprotective profit of cashews is therefore lost if we consume excess.”You have to be reasonable, that means about 15 cashews per day maximum, or about thirty grams“, recommends our interlocutor. Ideally, we choose them not salty, non -flavored and not to be grilled (just natural ultimately) to fully enjoy their benefits without weighing down the caloric note.
“”If we want to make the best choice for our cholesterol and our overall heart health, it is better to move towards other oilseeds including the Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio is more profitable such as almonds, hazelnuts or even better, Périgord nuts because it is rich in omega 3. Always in moderation “ wants to specify Audrey Vergès.