Number of rental management in France, Foncia is concerned about the fall in the number of landlords, discouraged by recent regulations. In particular by the gradual prohibition for renting thermal colanders.
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– “landlord owners are forced to make consumer loans, at rates of 15 to 20%, to finance their energy renovation work …”, deplores Zahir Keenoo, president of Foncia Adb.
To safeguard
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If there is a subject that preoccupies Jordan Frarier, president of Foncia Transaction, at the start of the year, it is that of “The growing disappearance of landlords»». Not real estate multi -owners but “Monsieur and Madame Tout-le-Monde”which make a rental investment In order to build up an additional income for retirement. These private investors “Were even more rare in 2024“Said the leader at a press conference on January 30.
Number of rental management in France with 400,000 managed goods, Foncia has seen the number of its customers landlords Melting 25% last year, compared to 2023. The group thus rented 10,000 assets in 2024 than the previous year. And this, while “The demand (of rentals) increases, in particular due to the separations of couples and theMassive arrival of students After the birthday peak of the 2000s ”laments Zahir Keenoo, head of Foncia Adb (Administration of goods). “A few years ago, we still had a few thousand vacant lots in our portfolio of managed goods. Today, in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine), for example, We only have a dozen vacant lots, including five car parksagainst 400 before! ”he testifies.
Law “DPE G”: its rejection will explode litigation between owners and tenants
An expensive loan for consumption for an energy renovation
Supervision of rents in large metropolises, obligation to request a rent permit, outbreak of property tax, disappearance of the Pinel tax advantage in nine … The regulatory and tax developments of the last years do not encourage the investment rental. Especially since the promulgation of the 2021 climate and resilience law, which prohibited the rental of the accommodation noted G On the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) since January 1, 2025. A prohibition which will extend to the property labeled F in 2028 then to the E in 2034. The current leases are not affected but only until renewal or tacit renewal of the lease. At that time, the tenant is entitled to demand the owner of the energy renovation work and a reduction in rent.
A bill, carried by two deputies and supported by the Minister of Housing, was to soften this prohibition for thermal colanders located in co -ownership. But it was rejected by the National Assembly on January 29. “This is a major brake (rental investment)estimates Zahir Keenoo. For a renovation allowing to go from G to only F on the DPE, it takes at least 500 euros per square meter, which figures quickly, even for a studio! Landlord owners are therefore obliged to make consumer loans, at rates of 15 to 20%to finance their energy renovation work… ” And the manager to drive the point home: “With the climate and resilience law, a lessor owner is no longer found in terms of profitability. When he has to invest 30,000 euros to renovate a 30 square meter noted G in order to continue to rent it, well, he prefers to sell it! ”
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