To hydrate the skin and keep it plump, this ingredient may well be your next darling. Zoom.
Your creams contain a large number of different ingredients, such as vitamin C, collagen, or even hyaluronic acid. The latter is also naturally found in the epidermis, where its role is to hydrate the skin and hold water from it. Present in many cosmetics, in particular anti-wrinkle, it has an immediate plump effect and attenuates the appearance of fine lines, while remaining gentle and very well tolerated by Minois.
But a certain active, approaching hyaluronic acid could well be even more powerful. At first glance, very similar to hyaluronic acid, squalane is more suitable for certain skins. Quésaco? It is a natural derivative of squalène, one of the main components of sebum. Its role is to strengthen the hydrolipidic film of the skin. Formerly of animal origin (it was found in particular in the liver of sharks), it is now obtained via sugar cane, rice, olive oil, wheat or even sugar beet. “”Squalane is an emollient that softens, smooths the skin and helps retain hydration. It protects and supports the skin barrier, has antioxidant properties to reverse and prevent damage caused by free radicals“Explains Blair Murphy-Rose, dermatologist, at the American media byrdie. With age, the quantity of squalène produced by the skin drops. It can then become drier. A serum with squalane helps to counter this phenomenon, and avoids the uncomfortable side of the torn epidermis.
But then, between hyaluronic acid and squalane, which active is to turn in priority? First of all, it is important to make a small distinction: where hyaluronic acid is a moist, that is to say that it attracts water into the skin; Squalane acts like a barrier and encloses it in the epidermis. On the other hand, the two will help keep a minute, healthy and plump. They are also suitable for sensitive skin. “”These are two molecules that help improve skin hydration. They are both naturally present in the body“, Adds Rebecca Marcus, dermatologist, still with Byrdie. To make your choice, take into account your skin type: hyaluronic acid will be more advised for people with an epidermis subject to acne, or fat, since it hydrates without blocking the pores. For its part, the squalane is a very effective ingredient to hydrate the dry skin. Very dry, they can be used together: apply hyaluronic acid first to attract water, then squlane in order to create a barrier which will retain humidity and prevent its evaporation.