A black day for the world of Italian work. Between the evening of Monday and the morning of Tuesday, Five people died in different circumstances but all related to their use. At least another was seriously injured. A heavy count, which is consumed in silence, in the folds of a normality made of night shifts, assembly chains, motorway maintenance, construction sites and agricultural fields.
The first drama took place at Sant’Antonio Abatein the province of Naples. Nicola Sicignano, 50 years old, ECC ECOLOGY SRL EMPLOYEEwas stuck in a conveyor belt during the evening shift and died instantly. Married, father of two children, was regularly hired. The carabinieri of Castellammare di Stabia and the inspection of the work, coordinated by the Prosecutor of Torre Annunziata, investigate the incident.
TO Maniagoin the province of Pordenone, another worker, Daniele Tafahe lost his life last night, just the day of his 22nd birthday. While working on a car for the molding of industrial gears at the company STMone incandescent He hit him in the back, killing him. The car was seized. Investigations will have to establish whether the cause was a technical breakdown or a human error.
The third victim, a worker of 38 yearswas overwhelmed by a heavy vehicle along the north roadway of 1 near Orvietowhere he was a resident. The man was working on behalf of a company in charge of the motorway maintenance. Also in this case the checks of the traffic police and security technicians are underway.
In the same hours, in Sardiniaat the dam of Cumbidanovuin the territory of Orgosolo (Nuoro)a worker fell from four meters high while it was regularly harnessed. Was transported to red code at the Nuoro hospital, with a trauma to the spine. In Cumbidanovu, a work of a work started in the 1989symbol of unfinished Italian.
Finally, a Roverbellain the province of Mantua, a 70 -year -old retired farmer died for a sudden illness While he gave a hand in a friend’s nursery company. To find him, collapsed on the tractor still on, was the owner’s wife.