If “A Sunday in the Country” is one of the most watched PAF shows, it has its small faults. An actress even recently asked Frédéric Lopez to stop certain practices…
Since 2022, Frédéric Lopez has been delighting viewers with his show A Sunday in the countrysideof which they were already fans in its previous version, The unexpected parenthesis. And if the stars are jostling at the gate to be there, certain personalities have “reproaches” to make… On January 11, when she was invited in We’re doing TV againMichèle Bernier revealed the only thing she didn’t like about the show.
“It’s the worst thing“: bad memory for this actress
In 2022, the 68-year-old actress participated a second time in Frédéric Lopez’s flagship program. The one who had already participated in The unexpected parenthesis then spent 24 hours with singer Sofia Essaïdi and mentalist Fabien Olicard. An immense happiness for Bruno Gaccio’s former partner, except for one detail… The boat!
Because if she has “loved” confiding in Frédéric Lopez, and learning to discover his two sidekicks, she appreciated the nautical activity much less, obligatory to go to the filming location of this atypical show. “It’s the worst thing”she declared on RTL.
“It’s not possible“
The star of the series The Intern added: “I already told Frédéric Lopez: ‘Stop with this boat, it’s not possible.’ Especially since I did the first one. We were alone in the boat. I get in the boat and row backwards. I don’t know what the hell I did. I go around in circles and on the edges there are cameras. After a while, they got tired of waiting for me. They put the cameras down and said to themselves: ‘We have to go get her otherwise we’ll never start’.”
A compulsory boat ride which definitely doesn’t pass muster for Michèle Bernier: “The second time I went there, I said to myself: ‘It’s not possible to get in there.’ I was with Sofia Essaïdi and Fabien Olicard, and we always feel ridiculous because we say to ourselves: ‘Oh my, they’re going to think that I’m really bad'”. “I don’t know if we really get to know each other (…) When you don’t know how to row, everything is long”she concluded with a smile on her lips.