It is a painful swing that of the crime DI Garlasco, Which after eighteen years continues to rock with its load of suspicions, remorse, dark areas and the disturbing shadow of a gigantic judicial error. “A ordeal that starts again,” said the parents of Chiara Poggi, And their pain deserves only absolute respect and silence.
“An innocent does not regret, he pursues his innocence, and wait,” he said a few years ago Alberto Stasi interviewed by Iene. Garlasco’s crime rekindles himself while Stasi’s penalty is about to start (almost) to the credits. He was definitively sentenced to 16 years in prison for the murder of the former girlfriend, killed on 13 August 2007 in 2015.
Two years ago he was admitted by the College of the Milan surveillance court to external work: he leaves the prison of Bollate, where he has been imprisoned since 2015, to spend the day in a computer company in the area where he carries out accounting and administrative tasks to return to the penitentiary in the evening. Everything is regulated by rigid prescriptions regarding times, means of transport used, journeys and controls
. The theoretical purpose for Stasi will arrive in 2030, which can be anticipated to 2028 thanks to the good conduct that entitles you to the deduction of 45 days every 6 months in prison, With the possibility of asking for a trial assignment since this year.
Also at the external work of Stasi, controversy had been unleashed as if it were an arbitrary privilege and not a benefit provided for by law and rigidly ruled by rules. External work is not an alternative measure to detention, but a benefit, in fact, that every prisoner can be granted by the Director of the prison (in a “treatment program” developed by the educational area and approved by the surveillance magistrate) if it has served at least one third of the sentence, if his conduct in prison is positive, if the observation of his personality is comforting. Now we rewind the ribbon.
It is August 13, 2007, Italy is on vacation, Garlasco is close in the grip of the AFA. Chiara Poggi, 26 years old, employed and graduated in economics, is killed with a blunt body in the house where she lived with her parents, in those days on vacation. Her boyfriend Alberto Stasi give the alarm, at the time Bocconi student. On September 24, Alberto Stasi is placed in a stop.
Traces of DNA compatible with that of Chiara have been found on the pedals of a bike: for the carabinieri of the RIS it is blood of the girl, for the defense it can be sweat or saliva. The investigating judge, after four days in prison in Vigevano, does not validate the detention and freed the young man because there is no sufficient evidence to justify an arrest. The crime immediately becomes a media case. “If not him, who could have been?”, It is the mantra of commentators and ordinary people as if in Garlasco there was only Alberto Stasi who in the short circuit between investigations that, perhaps, have not sifted all the tracks and courts of the people becomes, Lombrosian, the perfect culprit: Alberto Stasi becomes the “Biondino di Garlasco” who does not count it right: pale, taciturn, the almost vitreous blue eye, student model to Bocconi, with that accounting bearing and the introverted making that can be shyness But many interpret as ruthless coldness.
If not him, who? We arrive on 3 November 2008 and the prosecutor of the investigations, Rosa Muscio, He asks for the indictment of Alberto Stasi for the murder of his girlfriend. We go to the process that is celebrated with abbreviated rite. On April 30, 2009, the gup Stefano Vitelli does not issue sentence, but leaves the council chamber with an ordinance with which he orders a medical-legal superperitice and other expert investigations asking, among other things, checks on the PC of Stasi, on the path taken by the young man in the house of Garlasco when he found Chiara’s body and on the time of death. It is the sign that the investigations conducted before had been at least messed up and very confused. The expertise is made and on 17 December 2009 Stasi is acquitted. The gup considers the preliminary processor, as he writes in the reasons, “contradictory and highly insufficient to demonstrate the accused’s guilt”.
The appeal process begins in Milan on 8 November 2011. The PG Laura Barbaini He asks for 30 years in prison for Stasi, the civil party that his responsibility and compensation of 10 million euros is recognized, while the defense still focuses on the lack of evidence. On December 6, 2011 Stasi was acquitted by the Court of Assizes of Appeal again according to which “the first instance decision is immune to defects and deserves to be confirmed”.
The Court of Cassation is missing to make the sentence definitive but on April 18, 2013 everything changes. The Cassation, in fact, cancels the second degree process and postpones the documents to the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Milan, because they are receiving the hearing. For the Ermellini, the clues against Stasi had been “devalued” in the second instance judgment and, as had been requested by the civil party and by the PG, a series of investigating investigations. And therefore they propose an evidentiary integration.
It is a constant of this series of processes. New expert reports, new exams, new tests. There are no tests, no times that do not match, a complicated and contradictory judicial affair.
On April 9, 2014 in Milan the appeal trial opens and on April 30, the first appeal court of appliance has the reopening of the case with an integration of the trial investigation and new exams and appraisals. The sentence arrives on 17 December: Alberto Stasi is sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment by the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Milan in the Bis Appeal trial. On 30 April 2015, a double appeal against the sentence arrives in the Court of Cassation.
To challenge the sentence on the one hand the defense that asks to cancel the verdict; on the other the PG Laura Barbaini who instead asks to recognize the aggravating circumstance of cruelty excluded from the second instance judges. On 12 December 2015 the Cassation confirmed the sentence of 16 years for Stasi. Accompanied by the mother, the man constitutes himself in the prison of Bollate where he is serving his sentence. On 19 December 2016, the Stasi family asks for the reopening of the trial based on the results of a new expertise, according to which the traces of DNA found under the girl’s nails are not stasis. On 23 December Andrea Semplio, friend of Chiara Poggi’s brother and at the time of the 19 -year -old facts, is investigated by the Pavia prosecutor.
His DNA would be compatible with that found under the victim’s nails. On January 24, 2017, the Court of Appeal of Brescia rejected, declaring the place of revision of the trial on the murder of Chiara Poggi. The request had been filed by Stasi’s lawyers. On March 28 of the same, the investigating judge of Pavia Fabio Lambertucci archives the investigation into Andrea Semplio. On May 24, Alberto Stasi’s defense presents extraordinary re -seam in Cassation against the definitive sentence to 16 years in prison.
On June 28, the Cassation declares the appeal of its lawyers inadmissible to reopen the case. On June 23, 2020, Stasi’s lawyers deposter a articulated request for revision of the sentence of conviction which is declared inadmissible on 5 October. What seems the last chapter of this story is of 6 February last when the European Court of Human Rights declared the appeal with which he asked to cancel the sentence of Alberto Stasi. Now the new-non-new twist. The lawyer Giada Bocellari, current lawyer of States, after eighteen years from the crime entrusted to an internationally renowned genetics laboratory, based abroad, the task of analyzing those organic finds again.
The positive outcome of these new tests would have found even in a consultation ordered in the past months of the Pavia Prosecutor’s Office. Thursday Andrea Semplio will have to present himself at the headquarters of the Scientific of the Carabinieri of Milan to be subjected to the salivary exam and the swab.
Investigations arranged by the investigating judge of Pavia in a forced way after last week the man received the guarantee information with which he was invited to undergo the withdrawals for the investigations on the DNA and refused to do so. In the investigations and in the processes that have followed, terrible, the shadow of alternatives to the guilt of states not taken into consideration by the investigators stand out.
Starting with the neighbor of Chiara who in the minutes in which the crime was consumed would have seen a black women’s bicycle leaning against the sidewalk of the Poggi house.
Even today, after many years, the motive is missing and the weapon of the crime is missing. The survey supplement that opens now we hope it can really clarify the many doubts. And it is important to let the Pavia prosecutor work with the hope that he has been guaranteed with Andrea Seveio as, unfortunately, he has not always been with Alberto Stasi.