Caring employees can benefit from a dedicated allowance to care for a loved one in difficulty, thereby limiting their loss of income. Since January 1, the duration of compensation for this aid has been extended.
A welcome helping hand for all employees who juggle work and family responsibilities. Since January 1, 2025, the rules concerningdaily caregiver allowance (Ajpa) have changed. This system, which allows employees to take leave to care for a loved one who is losing their independence or has a disability and not find themselves without resources during their absence from work, is becoming more flexible. Because until now, it presented a big limit : impossible to benefit from more than three months of compensation – or 66 days of daily allowance in the amount of 65.80 euros -, over an entire career. And this, regardless of whether the caregiver is faced with one or more helping situations in their life. Result: the employees found themselves sometimes unable to help another loved one without fearing a significant loss of income.
But this year, the rules are changing. “From now on, each assistance situation gives rise to a new period of compensation of three months maximumwithin a total limit of 12 months over the entire career”explains Guillaume Gaudiot, social law lawyer. In other words, if you take care of a parent who is losing their independence and then, a few years later, a spouse or a disabled child, you can now obtain compensation for each of these periods with the CAF or the MSA. Enough to allow you in this scenario to “claim up to six months of compensated leave up to 1,447.60 euros per month”or 65.80 euros per day for 22 days.
Only 13,000 users of Ajpa at the end of 2023
This welcome reform also aims to correct another problem: the low recourse to Ajpa. According to the 2023 “Help and work” barometer published in October 2023 by the Tilia caregiver support service20% of French employees – approximately 5.4 million people – are helpful. Yet, only 13,000 of them benefited from Ajpa in October 2023, according to figures from the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families. Simple lack of information, administrative burden or fear of stigmatization at work… There is no shortage of reasons for this non-recourse. The objective is therefore clear: to make Ajpa more accessible. Especially since in the years to come, “this figure will necessarily follow the growth of the aging population”predicts Guillaume Gaudiot.
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