You too may have seen many, too many mothers finish in exhaustion to keep children and work together. After decades of women’s struggles for the professional recognitionsFor salaries still not equalized, for measures that allow work and family to be reconciled, we have gone back, to the point of accepting that women give up working, if they choose to be mothers. There birth rate it does not depend only on economic causes, it is the result of a cultural change, it has to do with the loss of wedding ringfrom the communityof the young impulse towards the future, of the endurance of effort and sacrifice for a scale of priorities, in which family and children come first, not the Caribbean cruise, the aperitifs and career jumps or the dog “who is like a child.” He’s right Dadto invoke less kennels and more cots and he is the only one who can still say it openly.
But having children is truly a heroic undertaking, for indomitable souls and risk-takers, especially if you live in a big city. There Ark Project Foundation has thirty years of activity in the field of reception and support for poverty. And for the anniversary it proposes the results of a research that explores the dreams and desires of those living in difficulty. Here, the most tired and worried people are the ones young couples: more than half of those interviewed declared that they cannot afford even a weekend holiday in a year, they cannot pay for their children’s sports activities, not even the hope of giving a small gift for the holidays. But what is most heartbreaking is theinsulation of those who suffer these deprivations. He feels the weight of shame, as if economic hardship were still the sign of guilt, of dishonor. This is not just the case for extreme situations: how many mothers they suffer from giving up time with their children because they have to work or are underestimated in their work due to the time spent with the family. Torn between opposing senses of duty, perpetually in trouble, proletarian in the ancient and most oppressive sense of the term. When having and giving offspring should constitute a meritrecognized and rewarded.
The ransomsocial and human, it is possible: just focus on what is worth and what is worth above all are the young couplesi children. Following the virtuous example of some European countries, which have invested and reversed the growth rate simply by guaranteeing all mothers nurseriesafter school, smart working and/or short weeks, parental leave not on expiry but as needed, considering a value la maternityalso to make a career. There poverty it’s a tragedy but the world changes for the better, if we compare our lives and our welfare with that of our grandparents, or of many countries even today. Therefore it is unacceptable that any further 2 million families in Italy they live in absolute povertyand that poverty especially affects the youngest, children. They are data, not ideas. Numbers, not a result of ideologies. Ideology, on the other hand, makes us consider only some rights for women womenand among these there is no right to have one family. Buying children, yes. But this is how the country dies.