At 68 years old, Michèle Bernier is one of the most popular actresses in France. Appreciated for her roles, but also for what she is and embodies, this mother of two children lived a happy but turbulent childhood to say the least…
20 years after the death of his father – the popular Professor Choron -, and 10 years to the day after the attack on Charlie Hebdo which cost the lives of many of her parents’ friends, Michèle Bernier agreed to reveal herself in Portrait of the week by Audrey Crespo-Mara, broadcast this Sunday January 5, 2024 in Seven to Eight.
“I must have been very dangerous” : Michèle Bernier rejected when she was a child
The 68-year-old actress, who exploded alongside Mimie Mathy and Isabelle de Botton in the Bouvard Theater in the early 1980s, gave a most moving testimony. She notably mentioned her father, Georget Bernier alias Professor Choron, “anarchist of the first category” and co-founder of the journal Charlie Hebdo.
Asked about her childhood relationship with this very media and politically exposed father, Michèle Bernier was very sincere. “He had a lot of trials, it was difficult. The bans on Hara-Kiri (another satirical newspaper for which his father worked, editor’s note) and of Charlie Hebdo it was hell every time”, first confided the mother of Charlotte and Enzo Gaccio.
Who also admitted to having sometimes suffered from this: “I was a bit of the devil’s daughter. And then, a few times, my friends that I liked would tell me: ‘My parents don’t want me to come to your house.’ I don’t know what they were imagining in their heads, naked women on the stairs, bad words everywhere (…) but I must have been very dangerous.”.
“They had something to do.” : Michèle Bernier opens up about her parents’ commitment
An only child, Michèle Bernier very often waited for her parents, without any resentment. And without feeling abandoned. Moreover, the one who literally lost her voice when her father died in 2005 never really blamed her parents. “I waited a long time for them but I don’t know why, I didn’t feel abandoned. I understood that they had something to do”she concluded soberly.