Yogurt can be a wise choice to boost weight loss after 40. Here are just the ones you need to have in your refrigerator if you want to lose weight healthily and sustainably.
To get rid of the little pounds that are ruining your life, as you know, it is essential to adopt a balanced diet. Focus on seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as possible, without forgetting foods rich in fiber and protein. If you combine this with regular physical activity, there is no reason why your weight loss won’t work. However, if you want to give yourself a little boost, know that consuming yogurt would be very beneficial.
As part of a slimming diet, yogurt can be a valuable ally. But be careful, not just any ones! Be sure to favor those with a high protein level which limits cravings. On her Instagram account, Rafaela Tillier, alias @rafaelatillier_naturopathrevealed the best yogurts for getting back into shape after 40. In her video, the professional recommends different alternatives in order to satisfy everyone. To start, it offers a very popular option in recent years: the skyr. This yogurt is always a good idea since it is very rich in protein and thus boosts satiety. If this product is relatively expensive, do not hesitate to turn to the famous Petits Suisses. It has the same benefits as skyr, but it is easier to find and remains lighter. If you are a fan of yogurts without cow’s milk, don’t panic! There are very good plain, sheep’s milk or goat’s milk options. Finally, there is also the plant-based alternative. In this case, opt for the vegetable skyr which is very light, less fatty and whose proteins are comparable to animal options. Coconut milk is also a good ally to boost weight loss, because it can be used in both savory and sweet preparations. It is rich in vitamin B12, zinc and potassium.
If you want to successfully lose weight after 40, focus on proteins since they help maintain muscles and stimulate basic metabolism. This will allow you to consume more energy and therefore burn more calories. Before you buy, be sure to look at the labels of your yogurts to see if they are too fatty or too sweet.