The Great Mosque of Paris is expected to announce the date of Eid El-Fitr 2025 after the second night of doubt, scheduled for March 29. A day of celebration and sharing which will be punctuated by well -established traditions.
For Muslims, theEid El-Fitr Mark the end of Ramadan and the return to a normal diet after a month of fasting. It is a day of celebration when families and relatives gather to share a special meal and celebrate together the break in fasting. But Eid El-Fitr is not only a moment of conviviality, it is also a day marked by important traditions, such as donation to the poorest and collective prayer, which come to conclude this month of fasting and meditation.
What is the date of Eid El-Fitr in 2025?
For the time being, this is only a forecast date which must be confirmed on the second night of doubt. However, the great mosque of Paris has already announced in its document “Prayer times”, that the night of doubt will take place on Saturday March 29, 2025 to confirm the end of Ramadan. Therefore, Eid El-Fitr should certainly be celebrated the next day, on Sunday, March 30, 2025.
What is the meaning of Eid El-Fitr?
Eid El-Fitr, also called “Eid el-Seghir” for “Petite party”, marks the break of the fast and the end of the month of Ramadan. Unlike the thirty previous days of deprivation, the faithful are invited to eat this day. Eid el-fitr is in itself a day of joy and rejoicing that the faithful live as a moment conducive to sharing and communion.
What are the traditions of Eid El-Fitr?
Several traditions surround Eid el-Fitr,, The main thing is to go Visit his family. The day then starts with a breakfast. Since it is the end of a fasting of one month, the practitioners meet around a festive meal, gourmet and traditionally sweet. It is even customary to exchange sweet, honeyed cakes and other sweets prepared specially for Eid El-Fitr. To accommodate the guests, the houses are also the subject of a large cleaning beforehand. Finally, during this festive day, The faithful buy new clothes for the occasion. Children are not outdone either, since Tradition also wants us to offer gifts or money that day. The distribution of gifts to the youngest holds an important place.
What are the traditional cakes for Eid El-Fitr?
The feast of Eid El-Fitr is also nicknamed “Sweet celebration” because it gives pride of place to oriental pastries. Here are the culinary specialties that mark the end of the month of Ramadan:
The day of Eid El-Fitr begins early in the morning with a generous breakfast, before going to the mosque for a prayer specific and collective. Men and women come together to pray and then listen to the Imam sermon. Depending on the original region, Muslims also share a moment with the lunch around traditional dishes, such as couscous. They also take the opportunity to pay The alms of fasting of fasting, known as Zakat El-Fitr. In theory,, The zakat must be equivalent to four times the content of two hands combined and filled with food. After prayer time, Muslims visit their loved ones to wish them their wishes for Eid.
During Eid El-Fitr,, it is customary to address his wishes To loved ones and even as many people as possible, practicing or not, hoping that God accepts their fasts and prayers, or that he forgives sins and leu grants paradise. Usually we wish you good health, saying “Eid Mubarak “,” Aïd El-Fitr Mubarak “or” Aid Mabrouk “, that is to say a good holiday in Eid.