LinkedIn overflows with good tips for finding a job. Among the latest: a well thought out email and sent at the right time may well appeal to your recruiter.
During a recruitment process, each step counts. First of all, the first call of a recruiter is often the starting point. To avoid making a bad impression, it is better to personalize your voicemail, thus avoiding generic responders. Also note all the information obtained during the call, and stay concise in your answers. The goal? Show your professionalism from the start. These little attentions will attest to your motivation, your seriousness and your organization.
But the interview itself, a real test for candidates, remains the flagship test. Charline Blanc, recruiter specializing in engineering and IT, warns against certain questions that many fear. Among them: “Why did you leave your previous post?”, “What is your biggest professional failure?” or “Can you explain this hole in your CV?”. According to her, the key lies in careful preparation. “Take the time to analyze your journey and transform each negative element into an opportunity for learning or progression”she advises.
However, even by being the ideal candidate, it remains difficult to stand out among dozens, even hundreds of candidates. This is where a very simple gesture can make a major difference: thanks e-mail. Sending an email after an interview is not just a politeness. This practice, little adopted by candidates, can put you in the good graces of recruiters. “The thank you e-mail allows you to consolidate the impression you have left in an interview. This is an opportunity to reaffirm your motivation and correct information that you would have omitted”, explains Gnima Dole, specialized in job research support.
For example, you can recall a key skill that you have not had time to develop or insist on your understanding of the objectives of the position. An approach that testifies not only to your professionalism, but also your desire to join the company. And, in an increasingly competitive job market, it may be this little extra that will allow you to transform the test.