In order not to have to pay taxes in 2025, last year’s income must not exceed the thresholds set by the authorities. Here they are.
In France, less than half of households pay the income tax. Out of 40.7 million tax households, only 18.2 million are taxed, according to the latest figures from the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFIP). With too low or simply non -existent income, there are millions to escape it. Also, to pay income tax, the amount of income received over the year as well as the number of tax shares are taken into account: a single taxpayer is not taxed in the same way as a couple with two children.
The nature of the income (wages, pensions, allowances, etc.) as well as any deductions or tax credits (childcare, donations, energy work …) also determine the calculation. Finally, in France, the tax is progressive: only people who exceed the thresholds, fixed by the finance law, pay income taxes. This year, these ceilings are upgraded by 1.8% in view of inflation. Thus, for modest homes, these thresholds are essential. Crossing them, even very much, can cause a loss of aid or the appearance of a tax difficult to assume. But then, when approaching the 2025 income statements campaign, which starts on April 10 online, are you one of those who have no taxes to pay?
To find out, you have to look at your taxable net income, which appears on the salary slip, and compare it with “the collection thresholds”. The latter have not yet been communicated by the DGFIP for this year, but our colleagues from Moneyvox did calculations “For the most common family situations”, Based on taxable net wages, they explain. According to their estimates, a single person should not pay income tax if their monthly net salary has not exceeded 1,615 euros in 2024. For a single parent with a child, this ceiling would increase to 2,147 euros monthly. Regarding other households …
A couple without children should have received up to 3,016 euros per month in 2024 (or 1,508 euros each) so as not to be taxed this year. With a child, the limit would rise to 3,548 euros, then to 4,080 euros for two children. Note that the recovery thresholds vary depending on the tax situation of the household (if you are a single person, as a couple, married or PACS, with one or more dependent, active or retired children). They are also to be differentiated well from the non-taxation thresholds.